The Drug Traffic In the latest issue of his invariably
illuminating annual report on the international drug traffic,- Russell Pasha, Commandant of the Cairo Police, discloses facts bah encouraging and the reverse. Vigorous action by the Turkish Government has gone far to rid Constanti- nople of its - discreditable notoriety as the chief drug traffic centre in Europe. Unfortunately the traffickers have apparently shifted their activities to Bulgaria, a fact which lends importance to the announcement that both Bulgaria and Greece have decided (since Russell Pasha's report was issued) to ratify various 'League of Nations Conventions, whose proper application would make Bulgaria as uncomfortable a home for the traffickers as Turkey. The drug evil in Egypt itself is being steadily mastered. That, however, is only a small part of the problem, and warning of the danger of an increasing flow of drugs from Japanese and Chinese factories is a sinister feature of the report.