24 MARCH 1984, Page 38

Books Wanted

TREES OF THE BRITISH ISLES IN HISTORY AND LEGEND by J. H. Wilks (Muller). H. Rowbotham, 1 Granby Rd, Mile End, Stockport.

PAUL TILLICH: 'Systematic Theology' (3 vois 1953-64) and 'The Shaking of the Foundations' (1962). Anything else by/related to Tillich. S. Barker, St David's University College, Lampeter, Dyfed SA48 7ED.

TREES AND SHRUBS HARDY IN THE BRITISH ISLES by W. J. Bean. Velarde, 32 Alton Rd, Oxton, Birkenhead, Merseyside. THE UNICORN by N. Hathaway and anything by Nat Gould. M. G. Porter, 35 Clydesdale Gardens, Richmond, Surrey TWIO 5EG. GENERAL ARMOURY by Burke. W. Hurst, 18 Faversham Ave, Chingford, London E4 6DT. REGINALD F. JOHNSTON: 'Twilight in the Forbidden City'. A. Turner-Bishop, 13b Meadow Court, Preston, Lancs PRI 8JP. HISTORY OF CHA NNELKIRKE by Archibald Allan. J. Murray, Margrie, Borgne, Kirkcud- bright.

THE BIRTH OF YUGOSLAVIA by H. Baerlein (2 vols, 1923) and 'Yugoslavia at the Paris Con- ference' by I. Lederer. P. McSharry, 46 Bab- ington Rd, Hendon, London NW4 4LD. TALES OF OLD JAPAN (vol 1) by A. B. Mil- ford with illustrations. H. D. Hardman, 33 Durand Gardens, London SW9 OPS.

WILLIAM GAUNT: 'Aesthetic Adventure' and 'Ferguson Case' by Ross Macdonald. R. H. Spikes, 83 Palace View, Bromley, Kent BR1 3EP.

CONSERVATIVE ESSAYS by Maurice Cowl- ing. M. Grenfell, 20 Ivanhoe Drive, Harrow, Middlesex.

REBECCA PRICE: 'The Compleat Cook'. H.B. Closs, 27 Darnley St, Gravesend, 0474 22065. LE PAIN DE L'ETRANGER by Henri Troyat (English translation, 'The Children' not required). Also 'The Desire and Pursuit of the Whole' by Frederick Rolfe (Baron Corvo). Mrs Green, St Giles Cottage, Deanway, Chalfont St Giles, Bucks HP8 41H.

SPORT THROUGH THE AGES by Peter Wilson and 'The Creative Centuries' by Randall. I. Wilson, 71 Beeches Rd, Marlpool Gardens, Kidderminster, Worcs DYI 1 5HZ.

WITH SEAPLANE AND SLEDGE IN THE ARCTIC by George Binney and 'Mixed Grill by Sir George Leveson-Gower. A. Fort, 70 Bramfield Rd, London SW11. Tel: 01-228 5959. HISTORY OF THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE by A.A. Vasiliev (Oxford 1952) and History of the Byzantine State' by G. Ostrogorsky (Oxford 1956). C. Gray, 22 Square Alboni, 75016 Paris, France.

JORN IN SCANDINAVIA, also 'Asger Jorn: the Crucial Years' by G. Atkins and T. Anderson. Mrs Garbsieff, 40 South Hill Park, London NW3.

HAVE YOU ANYTHING TO DECLARE by Maurice Baring. Box No: 371 HY.

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