24 MAY 1851, Page 10

So numerous have been the pieces brought out at the

St. James's Theatre since the departure of M. Regnier, and so rapidly are they changed one for another, that we do not pretend to follow them with any- thing like an analysis of plots. They all belong to the Theitre de la Nontansier; all presuppose a moral atmosphere not too oppressive ; and in most of them, where fun lies on one side and reason on the other, the former is preferred. If any one who has witnessed the effect of rigid rule and strong sense at the Theatre Francais would like to see how the same nation can throw of all rule whatever, let him contrive to be present at a performance of Emlerassons nous Folleville, where all the characters seem merrily to float in an ocean of absurdity. The leading performers are at present MM. Levassor and Derval and Mademoiselle Scriwaneck. The first and last are already well known to the English publics. Less familiar is M. Derval; who deserves commenda- tion as a most steady and sensible actor. In a piece of a less broad cha- racter than the rest, called Si Jammu setwif, his representation of the Due de Richelieu, transformed by age from a lady-killer to a trainer of lady-killers, is as finished and well-considered as we could desire.