24 MAY 1851, Page 6


The Irish papers express a belief that the census returns will show an immense diminution of the population below the number of the census taken in 1841. Belfast, however, will afford one of a few instances of enormous increase. The population in 1821 was 37,000; in 1831 it was 53,000; in 1841 it was 75,000; and this census it is expected to be 112,000.

Typhus fever similar to that which usually results from bad and in- sufficient food is becoming very prevalent in Cork. A hundred patients are at present in the fever hospital there.

Mr. F. S. Crawford, fourth son of the Member for Rochdale, died at Crawford's Burn on Saturday last, of an attack of inflammation. Mr. Crawford was thirty-six years of ago : he was a most benevolent and ex- tensive employer, and will be deeply regretted in the locality.