24 MAY 1851, Page 9



A more than usual degree of activity has this week been apparent in the English Stock Market, and the price of Consols has advanced from 1 to 1 per cent; the closing quotation this afternoon being 971 I for Money and 9711 for Account. This improvement may be partly attributed to purchases of Consols and other EnglishStocks made on the behalf of foreign capitalists ; the mercantile houses connected with France having bought lately on behalf of their correspondents. These transactions, though not extensive, have in- creased the firmness of the market ; and as they happen to have occurred simultaneously with a considerable arrival of the precious metals, they have had their part (though perhaps a very iusignificant one) in the improvement that has occurred. The decline in the rate of exchange on Pans has also stopped ; the importations of flour from France having ceased for the time, in consequence of the markets being actually glutted with this commodity. -There is no change in the rate of discount. The premium of Exchequer Bills, however, continues to decline, and has this week fallen about 48.— namely, to 41s. ; at which price bills were sold both today and yesterday.

The transactions of the Foreign Market have been upon an unusually limited scale, and the fluctuations scarcely of sufficient importance to require notice. Russian Four-and-a-half per Cent Bonds have advanced, and been quoted as high as 1001; though the demand for Paris, upon which we have so fre- quently had occasion to remark, and which has given such increased currency to this description of Stock, has entirely ceased. Mexican Bonds are lower, and have been done at 34. Peruvian and other South American Stocks are also lower, in the almost total absence of any business of importance. At a meeting of the holders of Buenos Ayres Bonds held yesterday, among other resolutions one was adopted urging upon Messrs. Baring, Brothers, and Co. the propriety of dividing the amount they have now in hand, about 16,5001., among the Bondholders, instead of waiting till by the accretion of interest or fresh remittances it shall have reached the amount requisite to pay a full dividend—namely, about 29,5001. The Bonds have today been done at 58. Spanish Active Stock has fallen nearly 1 per cent, and had declined to 24 but closes rather better this afternoon. It is reported that the new Cortes will not be more complying than the one recently dissolved. Portuguese Bonds are without fluctuation.

The Railway Share Market has experienced a very considerable decline. 'On Wednesday there was a general rush from all quarters to sell, and for a short time most of the current shares were unsaleable except at a great sa- crifice upon the nominal prices. Towards the end of the day, appearances improved, and a reaction of between 11. and 2/. per share occurred. This improvement has been maintained both today and yesterday, during which time prices have continued tolerably steady. The fall on Wednesday was from N. to 6/. per share for the larger varieties, while the after reaction has been about 2/. per share. This depression is mainly attributable to the un- satisfactory nature of the traffic-returns for the week ending Saturday last ; to which we must not forget to add, the state of disorganization into which the Lancashire and other provincial markets have been thrown by the re- cent failures at Liverpool. The Foreign Share Market has been in a quiescent state during the whole week, with few transactions and insignificant fluctua- tions.


The English Stock Market is firm at the closing quotations of yesterday, without the occurrence of any business of importance; the price of Console for Money being 971 1 and for Account 97 4. There is an increase in the amount of bullion in the Bank of England, resulting from the trifling turn recently observable in the foreign exchanges. The Foreign Funds generally are at yesterday's quotations. The Railway Share Market is rather firmer; the following being the record of actual business—North-western, 1231 ; Midland, 551; South-eastern, 241; Birmingham and Oxford Junction, 27.


The English Funds close firmly at the morning's quotations; during the day the pnce of Consols for Money reached 971 while for Account these were buyers at that price • the closing prices are, however, 971 f for Money and for Account. 'Phe transactions of the Foreign Market have been con- fined to the following—Brazilian, 90 ; Buenos Ayres, 571 1 f 58; Mexican,

35 341; Peruvian, 82 11 83; Ditto Deferred, 39 381 ; Russian Five per Cents, 1111; Ditto Four-and-a-half per Cents, 100 1 1 ; Spanish Active, 201; ditto Three per Cents, 401 40; Dutch Four per Cent Certificates, 891.

The tone of the Railway Share Market is considerably improved ; the business transacted has been of a very general character, and almost all the principal Shares are from 15s. to 21. higher. The most marked improve- ment is in North-western, while Great Western are not quoted higher than yesterday. The following are the principal bargains recorded—Aberdeen, 121 f ; Ambergate, Notts, and Boston, 41; ; Caledonian, In ,i, 14114 ; Ches- ter and Holyhead, 201 15. ; Eastern Counties, GI i 1 ; East Lancashire, 151 151 f ; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 321 ; Great Northern, In 4; Great West- ern, 831 / f ; Ditto New, 17/., 131 ; /ancestor and Carlisle Thirds, 10 prem. Lancashire and Yorkshire, 57 61 71 1 ; Ditto Fifths, 44 $ ; London and Blackwell, 81 8 ; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 961 4 , London and North-western, 123i 4; Ditto New Quarter-shares, 291 4 ; Ditto Fifths, 16; Ditto 10/. Shares, M. and B. C., 31 ; London and South-western, 84 85; Midland, 551 61; Ditto 501. Shares, 19 181 191 181; North British, 8k 1 North Staffordshire, 10/ f ; Scottish Midland, New, 71 ; South-eastern and Dover, 241- ifff; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 201 1 1 / ; Ditto Exten- sion, 151; York and North Midland, 231 1 1 1 ; Birmingham and Oxford, Junction, 27 ; Hull and Selby, 1021 ; Leeds and Bradford, 100 ; Royston and Hitchin, 71 8 ; Caledonian, 101., 61 ; Chester and Holyhead, 161 ; Bou- logne and Amiens, 91; Central of France, (Orleans and Vierzon,) 17; East Indian, 161 / f ; Northern of France, 14:1 ; Paris and Orleans, 33; Paris and Strasbourg, 101 ; Rouen and Havre, 191; Tours and Nantes, q ; Lon- don Joint Stock Bank, 271.

S per Cent Consols 974 i Danish 3 per Cents 76 8 Ditto for Account 97a Dutch 2} per Cents 59 3 per Cent Reduced

Ditto 4 per Cents 891 901

st per Cents

96 71 97 981 Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 .. 34 51 Long Annuities 7 5- 61 Peruvian 6 per Cents 81 3 Bank Stock 210 211 Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842. 32 3 Exchequer Bills 42 45 pm. Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824. 88 90 India Stock 259 261 Russian 5 per Cents 111 113 Brazilian 5 per Cents 88 90 Ditto 41 per Cents

too/ 1

Belgian 41 per Cents

90 2 1

Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents . 201 i Chilian 6 per Cents 103 5 , Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 39} 401 Danish 5 per Cents 102 4 Venezuela 32 33 BANK OF ENGLAND.

An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday, the 17th day of May 1851.

sacra pErMITMENS.

Notes issued £26,703,003 Government Debt £11,015,100

Other Securities 2,981,900

Gold Coin and Bullion 13.671,720

Silver Bullion 33,375




Government Securities (in- cludingDeadWeight Annuity) £13 590,985

Other Securities 11,687.605 Notes 7,579,620 Gold and Sliver Coin 651,325

£33,709,528 £53.769,526

• Including Exchequer, Savings Banks, Con missioncrsofNational Debt, & DividendAceta Proprietors' Capital Rest Public Deposits' Other Deposits Seven_Day and other Bills


S14,553,000 3, 39,9 G 6,017,417 9,921,477 1,077,660