The French Government has, it is stated, done a very
odd thing. The International African Association, founded and managed by the King of the Belgians, has recently acquired by treaty with native chiefs a sort of supervisory power over the valleys of the Upper Congo, beginning at " Stanley's Pool." It advises the chiefs, and, if needful, punishes them. This
'position held by civilised men among blacks soon developes into sovereignty ; and accordingly, the Association has dis- played a flag, and claims recognition as a tolerated Power. The -United States have recognised it, and it is believed England will do so also ; but France has insisted on a con- dition : if the Association ever sells its rights, it is to sell them to France, and the King of the Belgians has agreed. We hardly see why the Association should have given such a preference to France ; but the agreement is of no great consequence. The Association may last as long as the East India Company, and when it is dissolved its territories will be assigned according to the then circumstances of the world. Prophetic arrangements for the government of continents do not often succeed. The Association has agreed, we believe, not to levy customs duties, and to leave all traders unmolested.