It is a pleasure to be able to pay a
whole-hearted tribute to the Daily Mail for its enterprise in publishing a specially extended serVice of news from the Dominions during the continuance of the British Empire Exhibition. Let us hope that this new departure will not be discontinued at the conclusion of the Exhibition, for it is not so much the Empire visitors from overseas who require instruction as to what is happening in Greater Britain as the "stay- at-homes." Our other leading newspapers should also increase the amount of space devoted to American affairs. Twenty years ago, with a certain amount of reason, British visitors to the United States could complain of the paucity of British news which appeared in the American Press, but to-day the boot is on the other foot. The American public is kept much better informed as to current events in the British Empire than is the British public concerning events in the United States. The first essential to an understanding between our peoples is a comprehensive cable service—not a cable service con- fined to sensational stories concerning the escapades of the "bobbed hair bandit" or "deaths from wood alcohol," but an unbiased record of serious current affairs.