How far is the right—not that any actual right can
be claimed at all—of the descendants of famous men (or women) to veto a play about them to be carried. " Ros- setti," dealing with the poet and artist, is objected to by a Mr. Geoffrey RosSetti, who is not a direct descendant of Dante Gabriel at all, but a grandson of his brother, W. M. Rossetti. It is stated that in consequence of the objection the censor has refused to license the play. I have not seen the script, but if the censor himself saw no objection that, I suggest, ought to end the matter. Would the stage have gained or lost if some direct or collateral descendant of the Brownings had taken exception to The Barrette of Wimpole Street ? And when is a time-limit to be set ? Could an objection to Clive of India be sustained ?
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