24 MAY 1946, Page 12

Sut,—May I thank you for the bold and clear-sighted article

of Mr. Paul Winterton on Russia Unlimited? It puts into words fears which, as a bumble member of the public, I tried to set forth from the moment that Great Britain found herself fighting aggression and oppression in alliance with an aggressor and oppressor. From Teheran, onwards througt Yalta, Moscow and Potsdam, these fears have gathered increasing substance in spite of the continued efforts of the Press' and the wireless to obscure and misrepresent the situation—with disastrous consequences for the people of Europe, including Grelt Britain.

The important thing, as Mr. Winterton says, is to knew why Russia pursues this policy. Is it that she has decided to go all out for limitless domination or is it strategic security she wants? The result either way is much the same. "There is one point in the search for security that Mr. Winterton misses. It is a point to which English-speaking people are apt to give too little attention ; the importance of philosophy and mysticism_ The Kremlin regards itself as the trustee for the salvation of mankind. The Russians have the true and only system of human happiness, which must eventually be imposed upon all. To them belongs this destiny. They are the Pontiffs of the New Order, and have therefore the duty–,-and the right—to bring it about by any means that may seem profitable at the time. Their holy writings, the works of Lenin, inform them that war, with its resulting chaos and misery, is their most fruitful opportunity. This prophet was proved right in 1917. He is even more being proved right, they would hold, today. A delaying policy is the security they need. Any possible combination that would defend what was formerly called civilisation—which in their view is the devil—must be broken up by abuse from without and by propaganda from within. They know that they could never stand up to a world determined to protect itself. But .they have good hopes that what the Weft calls democracy is, in fact, supine, blind, comfort-loving, uninspired, without faith. The question now is: Are they right?—Yours faithfully,