came back to 22s, 6d. to yield nearly
will cent. What profits the television industry "nt make after the Bill has gone through is eiltirelY a matter of guesswork. Brokers' estimates for the time being should be disregarded, but sooner or later the market in television shares will become an attractive speculation. I rather our the smaller contractors like TWW at 'l us. 6d. now yielding 14 per cent. Television ilinart, the underlying strength of the equity share veairkets has not yet been upset by political de- in "nlents. And we have Mr. Maudling still say- ,8,that business expansion has really started and "t confidence is growing 1401
or Distributors
fA trade which can survive the surgical attacks tai the `Stop-go' Treasury down the years is cer- 10114 robust. The motor distributors have had purchase knocks like the prohibitive 45 per cent t'l-eieuase tax on cars and the subsequent loss on centr stocks when the tax was reduced to 25 per fn spite of all this, the trade grows with