IN our closing remarks in the last SUPPLEMENT, we observed that there was probably a difference of some 200,000/. or 800,0001. between our accounts and what would be the probable expenditure of Government tested by such data as was in our possession. Further research has enabled us to unearth a variety of items, which considerably reduce this difference. Indeed, if we could ascertain the items for what is called Civil Government (inter Olin, Chairman of the Westminster Ses- sions, fro dinners, 2081. Os.) which are included in the estimate for " Civil Government Charges,"± and the items which are omitted, we should be within a few hundred pounds. As it is, we must leave a medium difference of about 60,000/. still unaccounted for.
Salaries and Contingencies 10,946 Bills for R epairs, Sec., of various Public Buildings under the superin-
tendence of the OThe Master and Worker of the Mint in the Tower of London 39,000
MINT. (Charged on Consolidated Fund.) 49,946
:r . W. Morrison, Esq.. deficiency of Mint Fees 1,781
The Master and Worker of the Mint in Scotland
16,349 For the Encouragement of the Growth of Hemp and Flax in Scotland COLONIES.
To defray the Expense of the Additional Ecclesiastical Establish-
ments in the West Indies 19_ 10
Boties on Captured Slaves 2 £848 45.010 (In Great Briiain.) R. Brown, Esq., Clerk and Treasurer to the Metropolitan Commis- sioners of Lunacy (In Ireland.) Salaries of 2 Inspectors-General of Prisons 1 Inspector of the Four Courts Marshalsea 1 Marshal ditto 3 Chaplains ditto 2 Medical Attendants, ditto 1 Chaplain to the Penitentiary at Smithfield Dr. Trevor, for his Attendance on Prisoners in the Gaol of Kilmain- barn, and on board the Convict Hulks 200 The Ditto Fourof the Richmond Penitentiary 2,383- Four Courts Marshalsea 1,351 Salaries and Contingent Expenses of the Civil and Military Audit Offices Salary of the Secretary to the Board of Education, and the Contin- gent Expenses of the Board Salary of the Secretary to the Chancellor of the Exchequer in Ireland, and Officers of the late Irish Treasury Salary of the Record Branch of the Vice Treasurer's Office of the Harbour Master at Kingstown Allowance to the President and Members of the Royal Irish Academy towards defraying the Expenses of their Establishment Allowances to Sundry Persons, as set forth in Act 41 Geo. III., c. 32 4,865 The Commissioners for Promotion of Public Works in Ireland, Salaries for their Clerks, and for Incidental Expenses, pursuant to Act 1 and 2 'William IV., c. 33, s. 8 MISCELLANEOUS. County Infirmaries, per Irish Act 5 Geo. III., e,. 20 Forming Tables of Parishes, and ascertaining their Boundaries Directors of Inland Navigation, for completing Piers on the coast of Ireland Transportation of Felons Secret Service £180,911
* There is no acting Consul whose designation corresponds to that for which the retired allowance is given. The highest Consular salary in the Levant is 1,6001., the. lowest 251.
2,956 1,474 260 900 147 184 18 6,966 1,016 1,018 1,000 184 46
23,069 3,323 9,000 6,000 9,818 15,500 Supplement, p.23.