On Wednesday, the Chatham division of Marines formed into a
square, under the direction of Colonel Murton, in the open space of the Royal Marine Barracks ; when a letter from Lord Hill was read, expressing his approbation of the general conduct of that branch of the service, and especially for their forbearance and good conduct during the recent affray with the soldiery in Chatham garrison, in which two of the Marines were killed.
The depots of the First Dragoon Guards and the Seventh Hussars are under orders to march from Coventry to Leeds, to be repleced by two troops of the Fourteenth Light Dragoons from Northampton. There can be no doubt that this change of quarters has been deemed necessary in consequence of the late serious collision between the mili- tary and the police and several of the inhabitants.—Coventry Herald.
A recruiting party has been sojourning at Wakefield for the purpcse of inlisting young men into the ranks of the Army ; but we understand, that though a whole month has bent spent in unwearied exertions, note single young man could be found with a military inclination.—Leeds Mercury.
On Monday last, the first stone of a new Roman Catholic chapel was laid at Preston, by George Gradwell, Esq.—Preston Standard.
Mr. Beaumont, late M.P. for Northumberland, has subscribed 10,0001. towards the building of a new bridge across the Tyne, near flexham. It is said he contemplates, likewise, the erection of a splen- did mansion on his own estate in that neighbourhood.
A company has been formed to construct a railway bete eon Binning. ham and Shrewsbury. The capital (will it be subscibed ?) is put down at 600,0001. The diversion of travelling and traffic from Shrews- bury and other towns bordering on Wales, to Liverpool, since the com- pletion of the railway from London to Liverpool, has been a serious injury to the former places and the surrounding districts.