24 NOVEMBER 1838, Page 8



The last news received from Canada haa increased the gloom which previously hung over the Money Market ; and though the sales of Stock have not been exte :sive, the character and appearance of the market has completely changed. The favourable intelligence from Constantinople has been without any effect ; and the prices of English Securities have been all day without fluctuation. We have little doubt that an improvement would have occurred here when the in- telligence of this morning transpired, but that the fall of per ceat. in the French Funds on Wednesday is considered as confirmatory of the report of' the intended march of a French army into Belgium ; a rumour which, however incredible it may appear, has been current since yesterday, and seems to have produced the effect of neutralizing other more fleet:table intelligence. The fluctuation of the English Funds has not exceeded I per cent. India Stock has been 262, which is an improvement ; while Bank Stock has receded, having been 2)44, and is to-day quoted at 203. India Bonds are 63 to 65 prem.; and Exchequer Bills 67 to 69 prem. In the Foreign Market, Dutch Stock has given way 3 per cent. Belgian Bonds are, however, unaffected ; as are the other Northern European Stocks. Si me inquiry has occurred after the South American Stocks; and a trifling impro:entent in price has been the consequence. The advanced quotations have nut, however, been supported ; the heaviuess of the English markets having ope,seed as a cheek to speculation in these Securities.

An advert cement has appeared from the financial agency of the Portuguese Government, calling upon the holders of the Portuguese Five per Cents. and Three per Cents. Stock, she dividends upon which will become due on 1st December acid lot January next, to present the Coupons to be exchanged for Debenture s, and cal ling upon the holden. of the Debentures already issued to pre- tent them for payment of the interest which will become due upon than on the lst December and 1st January next. The holders of these Securities have not availed themselves of the premium thus offered to them to detach their over-due Coupons from the Bonds, as the amount of Debentures bearing interest now in circulation is very trifling, end the Portuguese Government will not be called upon to pay a large amount under the head of interest. A slight impulse was given to Portuguese Stock, in consequence of this announce- ment; but that improvement has not been supported. Spanish Stock has been really between 17 and 174, with very little doing. The Railway Shares have beeu steady, and nothing has occurred in them wotihy of remark. SATURDAY, TWELVE O'Crewm.

The Cowell Market is firmer, and the English Funds generally are a per cent. bight/ than tie closing prices of yesterday. In the Foreign Market, Spanish Stock is lower, being 17 to a, and others without variation. Columbian are 254 a ; Mexican 234 a. The Railway Shares me at our last prices, with little doing. London and Birmingham 8.2 4 prem. ; Southampton 456 per Share; New ditto 20 1 prem.; Croydon 164 174 per Share; Greenwich 1611, 17 per Share; Manchester and Birmingham oi to prem.; Ditto ditto Extension I to

Ji prem. British Iron 101 Anti Dry. rot 11 to 12 per Share.

3 per Cent. Consols 94j Htseilinn 5 per Cent s 78* Dine for Account ftj Danish 74 3 per Cent. Redacts*

934 1

Dutch 24 per Cents 54 51* Ness :14 per Cent .Anns

Phi 2

Portitsitese Regency 5 p.Cts. 31 314 ./Sank Stock

203 4

Ditto 3 per Cent. 204 * ludic Stock 961 2 Russian (lS99) 5 per Cent... 1114 Ditto Bonds 65 pm. Spaoisli (1835)5 per Cent... 17 174 equer Bills 66 611,o1 Deterred Stock 7 74 Bele'au 5 rer Cents ...ex div. 101a Passive Ditto 31 4