At the Polish meeting in commemoration of Lord Dudley Stuart,
-on Saturday, a feet was announced which tends to confirm infer- ences drawn from a previous announcement. Polish regiments are to be formed as part of the British Contingent in Turkey. When the British Legion WAS originally designed, no particular nations were mentioned; any special allusion to Italians, still more to Poles, was expressly avoided, in order to prevent jealousies on behalf of German allies or neutrals. The formation of the Ita- lian Contingent deranged that reserve, which now appears to be completely thrown off. It was natural that, in the state of our formal alliances, the English and French Governments should de- sire to avoid the difficulties which would arise from complicating themselves with a separate Polish assistance • the more since the native land of the Poles- is positively encircled by hostile or neu- tral ground. It was impossible to shut out of sight the fact, that the very principle which admitted the intervention on behalf of Turkey might at a former period have dictated a protection for Poland. The day had gone -by; it seemed too late to repair the -criminal inches of the past; but the consequences of the lawless aggression which Russia had commenced, and had pushed to its furthest extreme in Poland, were constantly rising up against the influence as well as the consistency of the Western Powers ; and the "Polish question would not be silenced in deference to diplomatic convenience. At last, however, a British Minister finds it pos- sible to establish a Polish contingent, notwithstanding the infer- ences that the countries partitioning Poland may draw from that step. Perhaps the Anglo-Gallioan sense of expediency may be modified by the necessities and opportunities of the continuing and opening war. While France has an agent negotiating in Sweden—while the Emperor is preparing a new species of naval armament for extensive use in the North—while Austria advances U' an undisguised course of hostile alliance—and while the Empe- ror Napoleon in his closing speech at the Paris Exhibition hints at the impossibility of longer permitting German Governments to abstain from taking one side or the other—this semi-official an- nouncement that the Polish Legion is to be formed seems to speak of many more things than the naked words import.