24 NOVEMBER 1855, Page 17


WAR-OEFICE, Nov. 23.-Cavalry.-2d Regiment of Dragoons-T. Gonna, Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase, Tice Dunbar, promoted.

3d Light Drags.-Lieut. J. P. Worth, from the 6th Drags. to be Lieut. and Adjt. vice Kauntse, promoted ; Lieut. W. D. N. Lowe, from the 17th Light Drags, to be Lieut. vice W. W. King, who exchanges ; Lieut. R. Lomax, from the Stli Lan- cashire Militia, to be Cornet, without purchase, vice Dymond, promoted. 9th Light Drags.-W. Tornkyns, Gent, to be Cornet, by pur. vice Blair, promoted. 13th Light Drags.-F. W. E. Savage, Gent, to be Cornet, without purchase, me Wright, appointed to the 15th Light Dragoons.

17th Light Drags.-Lieut. W. W. King, from the 3d Light Drags. to be Lieut. vice W. D. N. Lowe, who exchanges.

Bora Artillery-Lieut. F. W. E. Savage has been allowed to resign his commis- sion; J. B. W. iikoulding, Gent, to be Veterinary Surgeon, Nice Briggs, resigned.

Infantry.- Grenadier Guards-Lieut. and Capt. C. Alexander to be Adjt. vice Iffigginson, who resigns the Adjutancy only.

Coldstream Guards-Brevet-Cob Sir G. A. F. Boswell, Bart, from half-pay Unatt. to be Capt. and Lieut.-Col vice Lord A. C. L. FittRoy, who exchanges; Lieut. and Capt. and Brevet-Major Hon. P. R. B. Fielding to be Capt. and Lieut.-CoL by pur- chase, vice Brevet-Col. Boswell, who retires.

1st Foot-To be Lieutenants, by purchase-Ensign H. J. Lawrell, from the 6th Foot, vice .7. M. Brown, promoted ; Ensign W. C. F. Kelly, vice Smith, promoted. To be Ensign, by purchase-W. M. Davey. Gent, in succession to Lieut. J. M. Brown, promoted.

2d Foot-G. Gape, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Hiffernan, promoted. 10th Foot-Efisign P. Beale to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Chandler, pro- moted in the 624 loot; 14.11. Bettye, Gent, to be Ensign, without pun. vice Beale. . 16th Foot-T. Russell, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Lombard, promoted. 17th Foot-Lieut. R.. Swine to be Capt. by purchase, rice E. Croker, who retires. 22d Foot-Capt. .7.11.11. Gammeil, from the fffid Foot, to be Capt. vice Bouverie,

who exchanges; Ensign H. G. L. Campbell to be Lieut, by purchese, vice Gemmel!, promoted in the Sad Foot; F. A. Cobham, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, rice Tyacke, promoted ; C. Tucker, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Campbell. The surname of the Ensign promoted to a Lieutenancy on the 24 inst. is Deane, and. not Dean, as previously stated.

30th Foot-To be Lieutenants, without purchase-Ensign R. H. Neville, vice Forbes, died of his wounds ; Ensign H. S. Smith, vice Neville, whose promotion, on 9th Sept. 1855, has been cancelled.

324 Foot-Lieut. W. Patterson to be Capt. without purchase, vice Brevet-Major Seward, deceased; Ensign R. T. Knox to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Patter- son ; J. Brackenbury, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Knox.

424 Foot-To be Lieutenants, by purchase-Ensign T, H. James, vice Jertoise, promoted; Ensign J. W. Haynes, vice Bennett, who has retired; Ensign W. Un- derwood, vice G. Fraser, promoted.

44th Foot-Ensign G. L. Mellish to be Lieut. without purchase ; Ensign A.. R. Trimmer, from the West Suffolk Militia, to be Ensignosithout purchase, vice Mellish; Lieut. H. Bradford has been permitted to retire from the service by the sale of his commission.

46th Foot-The Christian names of Ensign Carlow are Stewart James. 48th Foot-Lieut. S. B.. Forster, from the 2d Surrey Militia, to be Ensign, with- out purchase, vice E. Hall. whose appointment on 9th Nov. has been cancelled. 99th Foot-Ensign E. D. Crossinan to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Rochfort, prom. 59th Foot-Brevet-Major W. W. Lodder to be Major, without purchase, vice Brevet-Lieut.-Col. Boughey, dec. To be Captains, without purchase-Lieut. J. Leyne, Nice Lodder; Lieut. H. Kean, vice Leyne, whose promotion on 14th Sept.. 1855 has been cancelled. To be Lieutenants, without purchase-Ensign B. H. Burge, vice Leyne; Ensign G. Joy, rice Burge, whose promotion on 14th Sept. 1835 has been cancelled. To be Ensign, without purchase-T. F. Bowen. Gent. vice Joy. 60th Foot-Capt. R. F. Jennings, from the Queen's Own Tower Hamlets Militia, to be Ensign, without purchase. 624 Foot-Ensign N. G. Elliott to be Lieut, by purchase, vice Hay, promoted; 3. J. Carbery, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, in succession to Lieut. Templemen, Who retires.

Sad Foot-Capt. D. P. Bouverie, from the 224 Foot, to be Capt. rice Gammen, who exchanges ; Ensign W. G. Graves to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Fitzgerald, who has retired.

64th Foot-Ensign L. D'Acosta to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Shehy, prom.. in the 41st Foot ; .7. W. Taylor, Gent, to be Ensign, without pun. vice D'Acoata. 68th Foot-Lieut. J. Cator to be Capt. without purchase, vice Brevet-Major T. H. Somerville, whose brevet rank has been converted into substantive rank, under the Royal Warrant of 6th Oct. 1854; Ensign H. B.. Milligan to be Lieut. without pur- chase, vice Cato ; Lieut. E. Harrison, from the Royal Cheshire Militia, to be Ens4n5 without purchase, vice Milligan. 72d Foot-Major W. Parke to be Lieut.-Col. by purchase, vice Gaisford, who re- tires; Capt. A. D. Thellusson lobe Major, by purchase, vice Parke; Lieut, 0. B Fielden to be Capt. by purchase, vice Thellusson ; Ensign .7. S. Richardson to be Lteut. by purchase, vice Flelden; P. Burnet, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice. Richardson. 824 Foot-Ensign W. H. C. Allen to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Dowker,- dec.; Lieut. H. M. Parkenson, from the West Norfolk Militia, to be Ensign, with- out purchase, vice Allen. 924 Foot-The removal of Lieut. C. A. Humfrey from the 594 Foot, to bear data 6th October 1855, instead of 8th of that month, as previously stated.

97th Foot-Ensign J. C. Minto, from the Cape Mounted Riflemen, to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Parks, cashiered by the sentence of a General Court-mart/eh.

Bilk Brigade-Lieut. D. B. Davy, from the 24 West India Regt. to be Lieut. Vice Davenport. who exchanges; Ensign G.L. Austen to be Lieut. by purchase. To be Ensigns, without purchase-A. Somerset, Gent.; A. A. A. Kinloch, Gent.; 13. B. Richards, Gent.

2d West India Regiment-Li eut. 8. EL Davenport, from the Rifle Brigade, to Ii. Lieut. vice Davy, Isho exchanges ; Gent. to be Ensign, withoitt pur- chase, vice Burleigh, promoted. ad West India Regiment-To be Ensigns, without purchase-F. J. Green, vice Hartford, promoted; S. C. Page, Gent. vice Iligrnan, promoted in the 28th Foot.

Cape Mounted Riflemen-The surname of the Ensign appointed on the 24 No. IS Fitzwilliams, and not Fitzwilliam, as previously stated.

Royal Canadian Rifle Regiment-H. A. Donald, Gent, to be Ensign, by parchlso,,, vice Macdonald, promoted.

Gold Coast Corps-Lieut, J. Brownell to be Capt. without purchase, vice M'Court,, who retires upon hall-pay; Ensign.J. T. W. Andrews to be Lieut. without pure- chase, vice Brownell.

Land Transport Corps-Lieut. F. F....Fereday, from the Hampshire Militia, to he Paymaster. To be Quartermaster of Brigade-Quartermaster-Serge R. Boyd, from the 64th Foot, vice Beddek, who resigns. To be Cornets-Supenneedent J. Milne ;- Colour-Sergt. W. Mayne, Royal Artillery ; Sergt. F. Bleazley, 91st Foot; Troop.. Sergt.-Majors G. James and G. Edwards. The undermentioned Gentlemen to be 0ore. nets-J. W. Beatty, Esq. late 56th Foot ; J. Bridge, W. E. Whelan, F. Bond, 3. B.. Rutledge, R. B. 1. ester, V. Apphn, W. Spalding, H. Keogh, E. tern,, . BedIm,. N. Burslem, A. Galt, li. Crowe, Colour-Serg. Smith, late of 86th Foot, Superintend. eat W. M'Call, B. H. Burke, R. IL Powell.

British Swiss Legion-Erratum in Gazette of the 24 lost.-For .7. Hamber, Gent, to be Paymaster, read T. Hamber, Gent. tobe Paymaster.

Unattached-Brevet-Major T. H. Somerville, 68th Foot, to have his brevet rank converted into substantive rank, under the Royal Warrant, Oct. 6,1854. Brevet-Lieut.- Col. G. C. Swann, Capt. on hall-pay 1/nett. to have the substantive rank of Major. The promotion of Brevet-Lieut.- o . 91 Murdo, to the substantive rank of Mmor, to bear date Oct. 12, 1855, instead of Nov. 9, 1855, as previously stated.

Provisional Lepiit Battalion-Capt. J. Mancor, 48th Foot, to be Assist.-Adjt. vice Swinburne ; IL W. Duff, Esq. to ba-Payinaster.

Hospital Staff-The name of the Assist.-Surg. appointed from half-pay 68th Foot on 28th Sept. 1855, is R. W. Woollcombe, and not Wooleombe, as previously staled.

Ordnance Medical Lepartment -Senior Sung. A. Ogilvie, M.D. to be Deputy-In. spector-Gen. of Hospitals; Assist,Surg. E. Gilborne to be Burg.; Staff Audit.- Sung. P. H. Watson, 11.D. to be an Assisk-Surg. lloyal Artillery, vice Gilborne, prom., Dreyer-Col. J. Gordon, on retired full-pay, Royal Engineers, to be MejonGen„, the rank being honorary-only. Brevet-Col. H. K. Storks, Brigadier-Gen. in Turkey. to have the local rank of Mejor.Gen in the Bospborus, at Scutari, and all the de- pendent posts as far as Smyrna, inclusive. A. J. Stewart, Gent, to have the rank of Acting Assist.-eurg. while serving with the Turkish Contingent. To be Aides-dc-camp to her Majesty, with the rank of Col. in the Army in the East lndies---Lieut.-Cob T. F. Tait, C.B. Bengal Army, Lieut.-CoL W. Marne, Bengal Army.