At a special meeting of the Court of Common Council, on Thursday, the new Lord Mayor took his seat for the first time as chairman of their proceedings. Mr. Kennedy, with a long historical preamble moved, and Mr. H. L. Taylor seconded, a resolution to the effect that an address should be presented to the King of Sardinia on the occasion of his visit to the Queen. The motion was carried unanimously ; and a committee was appointed to "consider what other mark of respect should be paid to his Majesty on that occasion."
At a meeting of the Court of Aldermen, on Tuesday, Alderman Wilson proposed the customary vote of thanks to the late Lord Mayor. Alder- man Copeland, unable to assent to the motion, moved that it should be referred to the General Purposes Committee ; grounding his opposition on the alleged neglect of public business on the part of Lord Mayor Moon— constantly absent when he should have been present to fulfil his duties. The amendment was negatived by 6 to 5. Alderman Copeland then moved the "previous question" ; which was negatived by 8 to 7; and the original motion was carried.
The election for Southwark took place on Tuesday, and passed over without any remarkable incident. In opening the proceedings, the High Zailiff paid a tribute to the memory of Sir William Ifolesworth. Mr. Cyrus Legg proposed, and Dr. Evans seconded, the nomination of Sir Charles Napier ; who was elected by show of hands, no other candidate appearing. Sir Charles then delivered a speech, chiefly taken up with talk upon the war topic, but of no general interest ; and the proceedings terminated with three cheers for the Queen, the Army and Navy, and the new Member.
On Saturday, the anniversary of the death of Lord Dudley Stuart, the Poles resident in London met in the Sussex Chambers, Duke Street, to commemorate their friend, with speeches full of grateful acknowledg- ment and affectionate reminiscence. Among the rest, Count Zamoyski spoke of that day as the first of a new period in the history of their la- bours for Poland ; for that day he had received from the British Govern- ment authority to form a distinct body of Poles to be called "Division of the Cossacks of the Sultan," and attached a the Anglo-Turkish Con- tingent. The division will consist of two regiments of infantry, a bat- talion of rifles, and two regiments of cavalry. Agreeably to a suggestion from Count Zamoyski, no bounty will be offered, " as the Poles are ex- pected to volunteer." "England," said the Count, "in concert with 'her allies, expects the Poles to do their duty." Re anticipated a considerable accession of Polish deserters from the Russian ranks to the Allied forces, "now that there is to boa distinct Polish. force."
The Reverend Dr. Booth delivered a lecture on Tuesday to the mem- bers of the Wandsworth Literary and Scientific Institution, "on the Education of Females of the Industrial Class." The substance of his lec- ture was, that as the intellectual progress of a boy depends upon his school-teaching, and his moral education on the habits of his parents, especially of his mother, the education of young women should be such as would fit them for matronly and domestic duties, and enable them to make comfortable homes. They should not be taught simply to sew, but the common things and common arts of life ; they should be taught to cook, to wash, to light fires, and sweep rooms. He told the ladies there present, that if.any of them had the means and the will to do good in their generation,.they could_ do nothing better than establish a school for the education of their young townswomen in common things. At the close of the lecture, Mr. Edwin Chadwick, expressing more trust in the efficacy of school-teaching than Dr. Booth, concurred in his conclusions. Mr. Charles Pearson and Dr. Longstaffe also addressed the meeting ; con- curring with 'Dr. Booth.
Hyde Paik Wts again occupied by the Police, horse and foot, on Sun- day. Again a crowd gathered, but a lesser crowd—the " roughs " in numbers comparatively small, the "respectable persons" more nu- merous.
" The greater part of the crowd, such as it was," says the report, " was made up of persons whose demeanour and appearance showed they were there for the perpetration of no kind of 'mischief, but simply to gratify an idle curiosity. And, it may be remarked, these are just the persons that the Police experience most difficulty in dealing-with. They afford in their be- haviour no pretext for dispersing or interfering with them ; but they ex- hibit a wonderful and most provoking reluctance to quit the ground, where they wander vaguely about in search of excitement tall after nightfall, often in spite of the efforts of the authorities to separate and wile them out of the enclosure."
The Police were kept standing on the ground in the cold for nearly two hours ; "the people loitering vacant about, or looking stupidly on, un- til they were fairly tired out and dispersed. The "meetings" are en- tirely at an end.
The report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the conduct of the Police at the Hyde Park Sunday-trading meeting in July last,has been published this week, together with a letter thereon from Sir George Grey to Sir Richard Mayne. The Commissioners find that Superinten- dent Hughes, without sufficient grounds, ordered the Police to use their staves, and failed to control many excesses of the men under his command. They also prefer distinct charges of misconduct against seven policemen. Sir George Grey directs Sir Richard Mayne to reprimand Mr. Hughes ; suspend or dismiss three out of the seven policemen, as they may think fit; and to prefer indictments against three others- " 398 A, since ascertained to be William Gearing,* charged with the ap- prehension, without sufficient ground, of J. J. White, and of inexcusable violence to him while in custody ; William Bewley, 20 D. charged with unnecessary violence towards William Floyd and James "Vassie ; Charles Madgett, 84 C, charged with taking part in illegal violence against William Stephens."
The remaining offender has already left-the force.
Sir Richard Mayne is slightly censured, for having caused such a largo number of persons to be detained in the small defective cells at Vine Street station; and Sir George Grey concurs with the Commissioners in declining to blame any one at the station for refusing to take bail.
• Me remarked that Gearing appeared before the Commissioners, was identified by White, but did not appear again—why, the Commissioners do not state.
It is intended to -apply to Parliament for an act to construct a "London Joint Railway Station. The promoters are the Metropolitan-Railway Company. It is proposed to form a gigantic terminus for all the railways on the North side of the Thames extending-from Lower Calthorpe Street to Holborn Hill, and including Smithfield. Other railways are to be au- thorized to combine with the Metropolitan in raising the necessary capital.
The Court of Queen's Bench has, on the upplisation of Sir Fitzroy Kelly, granted a rule, calling upon the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury to show cause why a mandamus should not issue commanding him to require, by writing under his hand, the-Reverend George Anthony Denison, Archdeacon of Taunton, to appear before him according to the Church Discipline Act, (the 3d and 4th of Victoria, chap. 86,) and to proceed against him according to law. It appears that the Archbishop declines to proceed on the report of the Commissioners, appointed at the instance of the Reverend Joseph Ditcher, "unless told by the constitutional legal tribunal that he is bound to do so," because if he heard and determined the matter himself, or if the party accused did not appear, his decision " would not have due weight with the members of the Church."
Mr. W. H. Barber, the attorney who-was transported for life on a charge of complicity in the celebrated will forgeries, and was afterwards "par- doned "—as being innocent—has at length succeeded in'obtaining permission to take out and renew his certificate ; a right he had repeatedly but vainly sought to establish since his return from New South Wales, and which was only granted this week, by Lord Campbell, on consideration of new matter submitted by Mr. Barber.
Betteryaglii, colour-sergeant, - and /Wilton • regimental cook of the Swiss Foreign Legion, are in custody on charges oidesertion and frand.
Rosenberg and Barnet, Russian subjects, employed an engraver to engrave plates in imitation of Russian bank-notes. The engraver informed the police, and the men are in custody on the charge.
Mr. Bingham, the Marlborough Street-Magistrate, has inflicted the nomi- nal fine of ls. on Mr. Hetherington for taking money in an unlicensed thea- tre. A play was got up, for charitable objects, in the Philharmonic Rooms, Newman Street ; a stage and scenery were erected ; money was taken for admission. Mr. Bingham decided that this was an offence against the law ; but he was satisfied that Mr. Hetherington had unintentionally offended.
A case of very bad treatment of Lascar sailorahas been repeatedly brought before the Thames Police Magistrate ; who, unfortunately, had no power to interfere. The Lamers navigated a ship from the East to Bristol ; they were sent to London ; they could not get their wages; and a passage home as sailors was not provided for them, as the law requires. The owner of the ship lives in Scotland, and the English Magistrate cannot reach him. Mr. Yardley says this is not his first offence. After many complaints by. the Lasears to the Magistrate, the master of the Earl of Eglintoun last week announced that he was ready to take them home as passengers. Mr. Yard- ley denounced the " disgraeeful" treatment of the Lascars throughout, cap- ped by this attempt to evade paying them wages on the homeward voyage. The sailors complained- that their clothes were on board the ship, and they could not get them. But just as the vessel was about to sail, the clothes were thrown on the quay. On Monday, the Magistrate gave each of the poor fellows five shillings, and directed that they should be taken to the workhouse; the Guardians would be repaid the cost of maintaining the Lascars by the East India Company ; which would eventually send them back to the East, and make the Scotch owner refund all expenses.
The inquest on the five men killed by the explosion of a boiler at the sugar-works of Halt and Boyd was resumed on. Monday. The disaster ap7 I to have originated in attempting to avoid the 'smoke nuisance. Three practical engineers—Messrs. Fraser, Penn, and Field—concurred in explaining the cause of the explosion. Mr. W. Woodcock, projector of im- provements in boilers, also offered his explanation, and suggested how boilers should be heated ; but the other engineers did not subscribe to his opinion. They stated that the explosion originated from the connexion of the fire-box with the main flue being made in a form not calculated to sustain the pressure to which it was exposed : it was not cir- cular—the strongest form ; the peculiar shape had been adopted with a view to consume the smoke of the furnaces of the two boilers employed. This formation would do for low-pressure boilers, but not for high-pressure ones, as these were. In all other respects the boilers were well-made—the "iron was good, and the strength sufficient. There may have been a defi- ciency of water : the scientific witnesses could make no positive statement on the point; but the engineer who had charge of the exploded boiler stated that he had tested it for water a few minutes before it burst, when there was a sufficient supply. It was stated that Messrs. Miller and Ravenhill, who built the boiler, will make no more high-pressure ones in that form; and that Messrs. Hall and Boyd will no longer use the companion boiler. The Jury pronounced a verdict that the sufferers died from the effects of "an accidental explosion."