24 NOVEMBER 1855, Page 7


Broca EXCHAROZ, FRIDAY AITIOLWOOS• Preparations for the payment of 10 per cent on the April Loan of 16,000,0001., and 15 per cent on the Turkish Scrip, due respectively on Tues- day and today, at a time when money commands a high rate of interest, pro- duced an adverse effect on the Funds at the beginning of the week ; and on Monday Consols declined to 871: they have since, on the average, shown great firmness, and have reached 89f. Various reasons were assigned for the improvement,—among them, the destruction of Russian grain in the Sea of Azoff ; and the market has received considerable strength from large pur- chases, combined with a steady advance of about 11 per cent in the French Funds ; it being reported in Paris that the contemplated treaty with Sweden had been arranged. Yesterday no alteration was made in the Bank rate of discount ; and our Funds recovered from a slight reaction. Today, Consols were dealt in at 881 I; after official hours they became weaker, and close at 881 and 881 4 for Account. India Stock is 2 per cent higher this week. In a financial point of view, affairs both in this country and on the Continent are unchanged. The position of the Bank of France continues favourable. At the Bank of England, the demands for accommodation have been very numerous ; and the opportunity for compliance has been extended through receipts from the public for instalments on loans and other funds amounting to about 2,000,0001. In the Corn-market there has been no alteration ; and in the Colonial the excitement has been less—Sugar, owing to Continental supplies, showing a tendency to reaction. The demand for silver for India has revived ; the Ava taking out 269,7391.; also 28,5801. in gold for Alexan- dria, Ceylon, and Madras. The West India steamer took out 46001. The American steamer has brought 175,0001., which it is expected will be sent to France. At New York, there has been great depression in the Stook Market —from 6 to 15 per cent, through the advance in the Bank of England rate of discount. The gold expected from Australia, and now over-due, is estimated at from 600,000/. to 1,000,000/. The statement that Ruda has been successful in arranging the loan re- cently alluded to at Berlin is not considered important. In Foreign Stocks, there has been very little alteration' but prices have been well maintained. Portuguese has improved 1; Turkish Four per Cents, 1 ; Ditto Six per Cents, 1. Notice has been given by the Ecuadorian Commissioner to the Colombian Bondholders, that the conversion of 211 per cent into Bonds representing the Foreign Debt of Ecuador will commence on the 26th instant.

In Railways, the operations have been chiefly based upon the position of the English Funds. On Tuesday they were firm at an advance of 10s. to 1/. They have been steady since, and in some eases there has been a further slight improvement. Great Western has been fluctuating, but on the whole is 108. higher than last week, being 491 504: this partly arises from the cir- cular of the Chairman on the probability of a dividend for the half-year. London and North-Western is 934 41. French Shares are from 68. to 158. higher.


The English Funds have recovered from the depression of the morning; Consols leave off 881 1 for Money and 881 1 for Account. Exchequer Bills 12 8 discount. Exchequer Bonds 981 74, In Foreign Stocks no change has taken place ; Equador has been done at 6, Spanish Passive 61, Turkish Six per Cents 801 f, Ditto Scrip 31 discount. Railways present very little difference, and the transactions have been few —Bristol and Exeter, 83; Caledonian, 55f ; Eastern Counties, 81; East Lancashire, 67; Great Northern A Stock, 711' Great Wester; 494; London and North-Western, 94; London and South-Western, 854; Midland, 631; North British, 261; North-Eastern—Berwick, 67k; Ditto Extension, 114; Scottish Central, 1001; Scottish Midland, 74; Great Northern 5 per Cent, Redeemable at 10 per Cent Prem., 104j; Ditto 5 per Cent Scrip, Redeemable at 5 per Cent Prem., 71; Eastern of France, 35; Grand Trunk of Can A Issue, 91; Great Western of Canada, 211; Great Luxembourg Constituted Share; 31. Joint Stock Banks—Australasia, 9j; Union of London, 301. hiiscellaneous—Australian Agricultural, 261; Canada Government 8 per Cent January and July, 1071; Crystal Palace, 21; Peninsular and Oriental Steam, 68.

3 per Cent Consols 8844 Danish 3 per Cents 81 4 Ditto for Account 88 Dutch 24 per Cents es 4 3 per Cent Reduced 871 Ditto 4 per Cents 93 4 New 8 per Cents 87 Mexican 3 per Cents 19 f Long Annuities 34 Peruvian 44 per Cents 74 6 Bank Stock 207 9 Ditto 3 per Cents 52 4 Exchequer Bills 128 die. Portuguese 4 per Cents .... 44 6

India Stock 223 6 Russian 5 per Cents 94 6

Austrian 5 per Cents 80 3 Ditto 44 per Cents 85 8 Brazilian 5 per Cents 98 100 Spanish 8 per Cents Belgian per Cents 91 3 Ditto Deferred


an to

Chilian 6 per Cents 99 101 Sardinian 5 per Cents 84 8 Danish 5 per Cents 100 2 Swedish 4 per Cents 86 9


An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday, the 17th day of Nov. 1863.


Notes issued £24,661,780 Government Debt.... ....... L11,015,100 Other Securities 2,984,900 Gold Coin and Bullion 10,081,700 Silver Bullion £24,661,760 £14,661,760


Proprietors Capital g14,566,000 Government Securities (inclu-

Rest 3,220,897 ding Dead Weight Annuity). £10,124,848

Public Deposits. 4,110,130 Gibe: Securities 17,787,160 Other Deposits 10,888,71e Notes 6,239,630 Seven Day and other 131115.... 982,219 Gold and Silver Coln 601,464 £33,762,992 I £33,752,552

• Including Exchequer, Savings. Banks, Commissioners of National Debt, & Dividend Acct..

A "London and Paris Joint-Stock Bank" has been projected here. The capital is to be 600,0001., with one half paid-up when a charter of incorpom- tion is obtained. The business proposed to be transacted is the ordinary business of a London bank ; and in addition a branch in Paris is to be esta- blished for similar purposes, while the two will operate in the transmission of money and the facilitation of commercial dealings between England and France. The scheme appears before the public in a mature shape' with a court of directors, officers, and so on : the Chairman is Mr. George Alexan- der Hamilton M.P. SATDRDAY, TWELvs o'CLOCK.

The English Funds are dull this morning, at decline ; Consols for Money being 881 1, and for Account 881 1. Exchequer Bills 12 8 discount. The bullion return by the Bank of England shows a small increase of 28,786/. In Foreign Stocks there is no change. Turkish Six per Cents 801 1, Ditto Scrip 31 31 discount. Railways are inactive—Eastern Counties, 81; Lon- don and North-Western, 934; North British, 26k; Scottish Central, 1001; Scottish Midland, 74.