24 NOVEMBER 1855, Page 7

The following telegraphic despatch testifies to the activity of the

troops at Eupatoria.

"Paris, Saturday Morning.—Despatches have been received giving an account of a coup-de-main effected by a detachment of General d'Allonville's force on the 23d, eight leagues to the North of Eupatoria. At night, All Pasha, who had charge of the expedition, returned to camp, bringing 270 oxen, 3540 sheep, 50 horses, and 50 waggons, all captured from the Rus- sians."

A letter from Constantinople dated November 12, and published in the Moniteur, states that, according to the last accounts, Omar Pasha was expecting a battle. General Mouravief had detached a division in the direction of Kutais, and Turkish troops were moving from Batoum to try and cut them off.

The Invalids Busse announces that a large number of the Allied forces embarked at Eupatoria on the 14th, and sailed Westward.