24 NOVEMBER 1939, Page 20

SIR, — Your remark that Mr. Churchill's speech of Novem- ber 12th,

with its references to " Hitler and his Hum " and " General Goering—I beg pardon, Field-Marshal Goering," failed curiously, in spite of its brilliance, to gauge the temper of his countrymen was surprisingly illustrated in my own experience.

On walking into my class-room the next day, Novem- ber 13th, to take a class of average age 14 plus, I was assailed by demands to know what I had thought of Mr. Churchill's speech. Returning the question instead of replying, I found almost general disapproval by quotation of precisely the points you mentioned, and accusations of " cheapness." (The critics included a German refugee.) This may seem too trivial to publish, but to me it was most heartening. Could such a reaction have been conceived

in 1914? --I am, Sir, yours faithfully, J F. Run Taunton School, Somerset.