Crossword no.1301
Across I Monkeys can make mistakes (7) 5 What did Jock the turkey do? (7)
9 re-IM in the cattle enclosure? (7), 10 'How like a winter bath mine — been from thee' (Shakespeare) (7) 11 Where nature's combined with art for refresh- ment (10) 12 Somebody's been lying on the grass! (4) 13 The Bishop has a good look (3) 14 A Laodicean sum? (4-3-4) 17 How simply gorgeous! (11) 19 Legal quadruped (3) 20 There's no stopping the good Sir Thomas! (4)
22 Thus a pagan may appear, possibly in a tub! (10) 26 "Sir," said Mr. Pickwick, "you're —1"' (7)
27Quondam (3-4) 28 Three men in a boat (Kingsley's, not Jerome's) (7)
29 A very hot bath! (7)
Down IWas his the 'lofty' rhyme? (5) 2 Whereabouts of 'something nasty'? (9) 3 'As soon . . . Believe a woman or an —1 (Byron) (7) 4 Daddy was sweet, the old cube! (5) 5 There's inspiration in a telepathic salutation (5-4) 6 Marble perch for a poetic bird (4)
7 He should come clean! (5) 8 Deft and fussy combinations that produce colours (9) 13 His close colleague is a decidedly stand-offish type! (5-4)
15 Eve their prototype? (4-5) 16 'Chit, Adrian?,' inquires Miss Webster! (9) 18 Botchers of Tin Pan Alley perhaps (7)
21 'The last red leaf is whirl'd away, The — are blown about the skies' (Tennyson) (5)
23 The preface is all for Lady Hamilton, it seed!" (5) 24Well, that's Veronica—a fast lot! (5) 25 Craft of Wynken, Blynken and Nod (4) Solution next week
Solution to Crossword no. 1300. Across: 1 Backed 4 Scotsman 10 Accepts II Notable 12 Tapestries 13 Clay 15 Finale 17 Reads up 19 Lampoon 21 Diabolo 23 Lark 24 Star-gazers 27 Villain 28 Ridotti 29 Destined 30 Fringe. Down• 1 Beautiful 2 Cockpen 3 Exposition 5 Conferred 6 Tote 7 Mobiles 8 Needy 9 Iser 14 Salamander 16 Constance 18 Proustite 20 Marbles 22 Overton 23 Loved 25 Rare 26 Saki.