24 NOVEMBER 1984, Page 22


Semantic seams

Sir: Where there are coal reserves which are very costly to mine the reason for this being so is invariably geological. The grotesquely uneconomic and the geologi- cally difficult are therefore inevitably inter- twined when considering the future pros- pects of a pit. This seems to be the essence, maybe unintentional, of Mr Heathfield's letter in last week's Spectator.

Maybe the correspondence sparked off by my article will provide a solution to the present stalemate in the strike within the coal industry. Let there be a glossary to the agreement in which 'uneconomic' for the National Coal Board is changed to 'severe geology' in the NUM draft. A rose by anY other name is still a flower. After all, who wants to be pedantic about semantics when the livelihood of so many is at stake?

Jimmy Reid

50 Kelvingrove Street, Glasgow