The opening sentence of Alistair Hicks's article on the Thyssen Collection in last !week's issue was wrongly punctuated. It ;should have read: :`I don't want to bribe people to see my 'pictures,' says Baron Thyssen, but one wouldn't realise it from the press coverage.
Also in last week's issue, a line was omitted from Henry Elwell's article on sale rooms in ' last week's issue. The fourth paragraph • should have read: , On an entirely different note Phillips are holding rather a ghoulish sale on 28 Novem- ber: Third Reich memorabilia. First lot: 'five nationalist slogans published by NSDAP as hung in schools etc, framed and glazed'; second lot: '11 nationalist slogans . . .' But also there are objects looted by the French from Hitler's 'wolf's lair' at Berchtesgaden in Bavaria, including his personal crystal seal, Adolphe Ziegler's erotic nude of Hitler's niece Geli that hung in Eva Braun's bedroom , and four watercolours attributed to the Filhrer himself. On the level of Tom Keat- ing's artistic achievement they look cheap at uhder £2,000. From Goering comes some- thing fit for a foodie to throw up on: 'a fine Sevres part dinner service' given to him on his 90th birthday.