Faites simple
VIVE le bouquet d'ail qui coule a travers le tunnel sous-marin, direction Sangatte Douvres, et vive l'issue des droits d'Euro- tunnel — mais il ne semble pas plus facile en anglais. Ii y a trois amides que j'ai achete pour une certaine jeune file des actions d'Eurotunnel, en esperant lui mon- trer les joies simples de la capitalisme . . . Eh bien, and now look. Through the letterbox thumps a 300-page booklet with four different enclosures. It is her invita- tion to stump up for more shares, offered by way of rights. Digging my way through this pile of paper, I emerge to say that there are three things one can do. One is to buy more shares — using what, she asks? One is to sell her rights, which means locating her friendly neighbouring stock- broker, and persuading him to take her entitlement letter and sell it — without swallowing up the proceeds in the costs. One is to decline the offer, in which case the rights will ultimately be sold for her benefit, but missing the travel perks which make all the difference to their value, Note that Eurotunnel and its advisers are doing their best, that the shares have so far proved a good investment — well above the market average — and that this was and is meant to be a 'people's share'. Premiere regle de cuisine d'Escoffier: Faites simple. No wonder that half the people who buy a share for the first time never come back to buy another.