LETTERS Fire-power in the Gulf
Sir: At the end of his article (No rules for killing people', 10 November) Charles Glass states that General Schwarzkopf's forces in the Gulf possess 'the largest amount of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons on earth'.
While one could perhaps debate which of the differently balanced nuclear armouries of the super-powers is the lar- ger, there can be no argument but that Soviet chemical weapon capacity continues greatly to predominate. Mr Glass's worst extravagance, however, is in regard to biological weapons where, under the 1972 BW Convention, ratified by the United States as also by Britain, the Soviet Union and a majority of other countries, the development, production and stockpiling of these weapons is completely renounced. Is Mr Glass suggesting that the US has broken that agreement?
May I add that the Convention itself originated in research carried out by the Arms Control and Disarmament Unit of the Foreign Office, of which I had the honour to be head at the time, and which could doubtless confirm the position if Mr Glass needs any such reassurance.
Michael Cullis
County End, Bushey Heath, Hertfordshire