la answer to the inquiries of F. R. S. and
other Correspondents, we have now the plea- sure of announcing, that the distinguished sena* who has favoured us with the va- luable papers on the Life and Discoveries of Sir H UMPIIRY DAVY, will resume the Biography next week, and bring it to a conclusion as speedily as possible. We have reason to believe, that our kind contributor is to be put in possession of Sir Hu M. POSY'S correspondence and papers, and that a Life may soon be expected from his pen, ou a scale suited to the interest of the subject and the value of the materials. Our legal readers will perceive that we have this week given an abstract of Law pro- ceedings, on a plan which will make the reports professionally useful, without divesting them of popular interest.
We have also, " by patticular desire," as the playhouse people say, added to our lists of Country Bankruptcies, the names of the Country Solicitors.