Tuts is a pleasant addition to the stock of information, political and social, with which Mr. MACFARLANE had already enriched us on th e subject of Turkey. The reasons for the appearance of this Appendix are stated by the author to be, a wish to remove the imperfections which the state of his health prevented him from obviating in the first edition of his work, and the desire of adding to the extent and accu- racy of his former details, by means of materials which some intelli- gent friends, recently returned from Constantinople, have placed at his disposal. Now, as formerly, what Mr. 'MACFARLANE shows us of the Turks, is not calculated to increase our admiration of them ; nor is he, in his own person, disposed to mourn over the prospect of their speedy ex- tinction as an European power. Mr. MACFARLANE throws a great deal of light on the nature of MAHMOOD'S military reforms, and on the prejudices by which these have been opposed. He does not appre- hend from the acquisition of Turkey by the Russians any consequences which the other European states ought to lament. He rather thinks that it may tend to the breaking up of the Russian empire.