Our shipping list this week is more than usually extensive, the arrivals from India using numerous, and of much later dates than those formerly reported. The East India Company have taken up the Astell, Capt. Lawrence, for one voy- 51e to China, as a dismantled regular ship, at Ili. 12s. 6d. per ton. Nine other vessels Sere tendered at rates varying from the above to 161, 128. The Phmnix, Couzens, from Ceylon to London, with a valuable cargo of cinnamon, ebony, &c. was totally wrecked at the Cape of Good hope, on the 19th of July. Part of her cargo is said to have been saved.
The Palmyra, Thompson, from London to Madras, put into the Mauritius on the 19th July. with loss of rudder, &c.
The Cotnet, Frazer, of Greenock, was totally lost in Torres' Straits on the 6th of May.
The Oscar, of Bombay, is lost in the Persian Golf.
The Governor Ready, -Young, of London, is lost in Torres' Straits.
The Good Intent, schooner, is totally lost near the Cape of Good Hope. The City of Edinburgh, Clendon, from New Zealand to New South Wales, was towed
into the Bay of Islands on the 9th June, with loss of rudder, &e.
The Jupiter, of London, front New South Wades to Batavia, was spoken on the 14th May, bound to Bengal, fur repair. She had been on shore and was making nine inches of water per hour.
Arrived.—At Gravesend, Oct. 19th, Hero, Fell, from Mauritius; Duke of Roxburgh, Brown, from Madras, sailed 6th July ; Gipsey, Henderson, from Bengal; 200' Henry, Bunny, from the Cope; Woodbine, Owston, from the Mauritius, sailed 19th July ; Margaret, Craig, from Van Diemen's Land ; Vesper, Brown, from New South Wales; and 22ntl, Margaret, Miller, from the Cape. Oil Margate, Oct. 20th, Cygnet, Morse, from Bengal. In the Gowns, Oct. 20th, Columbine, Brown, front the Cape; Regulus, Hates, from the Mauritius; and Rockingham, Morris, from Madras :tint the Cape, sailed from the latter lath Aug. At Cowes, for Antwerp, Oct. 18th, Bengal Merchant, Duthie ; and Maria, Cobb, from Batavia. At Plymouth, Oct. 16th, H. 111. S. Andromeda, from Bombay. At Liverpool, Oct. lab, Fortune, Gilkison, from Bombay, sailed 26th June ; 19th, George and Mary, Roberts, from Bengal. At Cork, Oct. 17th, Crown, Pindar, from Manilla. At Clyde, Oct. 18th, Hunter, Atkins, from New South Wales. At. St. Helena, Aug. 26th, Royal George, Wilson, front Bengal; 29th, Friendship, Davies, front Sumatra ; 30th, Alexander, Ogilvie, from Greenock. At the Cape, .luly 19th, Resolu- tion, Parker ; 27th, Mary, Storehouse; 29th, Mountaineer, Sheol; Aug. a, Fanny, Bundy ; and Bith, Thorn, Johnston, all from London : July 80th, Ellen, Patterson, from Rochfort ; Aug. 5th, North Britain, Morrison, from Leith ; 10th, Amity, Gray, from Plymouth ; Ilth, Frances, Smith, from Bristol. At the Mauritius, July loth, Failoden, Mould, from London. At Ceylon, .Tune 13th, Prince George. Harrison, from London and Mauritius. At Bombay, June 17th, H. C. S. General K yd, Serie, from London and St. Helena. At Madras, May 19th, John, Freeman; June 7th, Elizabeth, Phillips ; I !tit, Christian, Hall; 15th, H. C. S. 'fliames, Forbes; 16th, Royal Admiral, Wilson 1;th, H. C. S. Repulse, Gribble; July 1st, II. C. S.Whalsor, Ilitvisidt,: 3rd, Clyde, ill intro, all front London. At Bengal, May 18th, John, Woodall, from ; loth, H. C. S. Hythe, Ar- buthnot; H. C. S. Duke of Turk, Lucke; 11. C. S. Farquharson, Cruickshank, from London : 24th, Royal George. Grant, from Liverpool ; II. C. S. Inglis, DmIman ; 29th, Lady Hannah Ellice, Liddell, from London ; 31st, Mary Ann, O'Brien, from Lou- den and Madras ; and Dryude, Kellock, from London and Mauritius June lot, Calcutta, Watson ; and Ontario, Arnold, from Liverpool; lath, Catherine, Kincaid, from Clyde; 1411,, Diadem, Wilson, front London. At Penang, previous to Ibth May, Guardian, DOWS011, from London. At Batavia, June 211d. Albion, Eoliths, from L011(1011. At Van Diemen's Land, April ISth, Georgizoia, Thmnson ; May 8th, Orelia, Ilutison ; and 12th„ Clarence, Muddle, from London ; 12th, Volusia, Harman, from Liverpool: 2:11,, Prince. Regent, Mallard; and Vibelia, Stephenson and 26th, St. George, Finlay, limn London. At Sydney, May 8th, Swiftsure, Johnson ; 9th, Pyramus, Elder ; and Princess Royal, Sherwood; 14th, Elizabeth, Collins ; and 17th, Jane, Elsworthy, all from London.
Sailed.—From Gravesend, Oct. 21, Eagle, Smith, for Batavia.
Spoken.--11. C. S. Princess Charlotte of Wales, from London to Beneal, 24th July,. 2-1 south, 29 west. Claudine, from London to New South Wales, 16th Sept. 14 north, 25 west. Rural Saxon, from Liverpool to Madras, 15th July, by the North Britain, ar- rived at the Cape. H. C. S. Marquis Wellington, from London to Bengal, 1st July, 6 north, 24 west. Eliza, Stilton, from London to Madras, Id Sept. 7 south. Duke of Bedford, from London to Madras, Id Aug. eastward of the Cape. City of Aberdeen, from 0!usgoo: to Batavia, 2Gth July, lat. 38, loo. 20. Percy, from London to New South Wales, 19th July, south, 31 west. Mount-Stnart-Elphinstone, Hemming, from London to Bombay, a south, 17 ,rest. Superior, from Liverpool to Batavia, 10t11 5, 1,1, 14 north, 25 west. Craigievar, from London to Mauritius, 4th Sept. lit north, 24 w:•-1. Prince of Orange, from Bombay to London, I 5th Aug. off the Cape. The II. C. s. Atlas, Hine, from London to Bombay and China, is reported to have been spoken near Madagascar in April. SATURDAY NOR NI N:G. Sailed.—From Gravesend, Oct. 23, Patriot, Guild, for the Cape.
The Hebtlen, fur the Mauritius, which put into Portsmouth with damage, haying com- pleted her repairs, went out of harbour yesterday.