PArymmusurrs Dissnixten.—Ilulse and Percival, Wharton, Clic,hire, coal dealers
—Smith and Coats, Gai in:burgh, general merchants—Pembroke AI lull ens, Cheapsidr,
boot makers—t(. and .1. Minto and J. Rowell, Barton-upou-Ilumber, tanners : so far as regard:: J. Rowell—Gurney and Perkins, Towcester, dealers in wool-1. and It. Ilyxau, Liverponl,painters—Baines and Senior, Horbory, l'orkshire, scribbling-millers—M. and .1. E. Alien, Great Tower-street, wine-merchants—Winch and Wilda:di, Ahlgate High- street, spirit-merchants—Garthwaite, Cornsy, Derham, and Heads, Satley, Durham, farmers—Stevenson and Atkinson, Sheffield, merchants—Roberts and Williamson, Wirksworth, iron-merchants—J. J. and .lit. Johnson, Walton, corn-merchants—Atkin- son and Jones, Carlisle, hat-makers—Pyle and Co. Barnstaple, bankers; as l'ar as re- gard, Scott—Freer and Endes, Birmingham, chemists—Filkin and White, Tedniry, stir- geme--Armstrong and Dempsey, Penrith, drapers—Dewlmrst, Preston, and Dewlmrst, Howick, corn merchants—Young and }Luke, Manchester, porters—Brewer and Attila, Brighton, cabinet-makers—Macfarlane and Co. Glasgow Aletlical Hall Company—Gour- lie and Co. Glasgow.
INSOLYENTS.—Oct. 19, T. I-Ltrutixn, Tottenham, statuarv—Oct. 20, C. CLAYTON, Globe-terrace, Lower-road, Islington, victualler—Oct. 20, W.M OT HERS OLE, sen. Park- place, Regent's-park, livery-stable.keeper.
IlAtutRoeTcY TeCutt, Exeter, watchmaker, from Oct, 20 to
Nov. 6.
BANIERUPTS.—[To surrender at Me Bankrupts' Court, Basingleall-street.] —J. EBB, Leicester, hop-merchant, Oct. 27, Nov. 3, Dec. 1: solicitors, Pullen and Son, Fore-street, Cripplegate—T. THOMPSON, Upper Shortte, Kent, dealer, Oct. 27, Nov. 6, Dec. 1 : solicitor, Mr. Fisher, Walbrook-buildings--J. Bee nor, Dean-street, Soho, grocer, Oct. 27, Nov. 6, Dec. 1 solicitor, Mr. Green, Sambrook-court, Basinghall-street—J. TitomesoH, Aldersgate.street, linen-draper, Oct. 27, 30, Dec. I : solicitor, Mr. Smith, Walbrook—E. DENIS, J. LAMBERT, and J. SEVERN, Upper Thames-street, wholesale grocers, Oct.27, Nov. 6, Dec. 1 : solicitors, Swaine and Co. Frederick's-place, Old Jewry —W. PARR, Bread-street, Cheupside, Manchester warehouseman, Nov.2, 5, Dec. I : so. licitors, Mackinnon and Sanders, Temple ; and Atkinson and Birch, Norfolk-street, Manchester—C. Htooix, Cheapside, and Heigham, Norwich, shawl-manufacturer, Oct. 27, Nov. 10, Dec. 1 : solicitors, Birkett and Co. Cloak-lane.
'BANKau BTs.—[Tu surrender in the Country.]—J. R. LYON, Cambridge, grocer, Oct. 29, 30, Dec. I : solicitors, Randall and Son, Cambridge; and Fuller and Saltwell, Carlton- chambers, Regent-street—J. N. THURSTON, Bath, upholsterer, Oct. 30, 31, Dec. I: solicitor, Mr. Fisher, Castle-street, Holborn—T. HARarsoN, Sheffield, miller, Nov. 3,4, Dee. 1: solicitors, Mr. Hall, Great James-street, Holborn ; and Mr. Shute, Walsall— W. M. SCAMMEL, Warminster, currier, Oct. 30, 31, Dec. 1 : solicitors, Hohne and Co. New Inn ; and Dlr. Chapman, Warminster—C. NELSON, Bradford, lime-burner, Oct.31, Nov.3, Dec. 1 : solicitors, Dawson and Hawkins, New Boswell-court, Carey-street; and Mr. Moulden, Bradford—I. FRANKLIN, Ipswich, currier, Nov. 2, 3, Dee. 1 : solicitors, Pearson and Co. Ipswich ; and Mr. Chester, Staple Inn—C. I. WATHEN, S0114 Hamlet, Gloucestershire, victualler, Nov. 2, 3, Dec. 1: solicitors, Mr. King, Sergeants' Inn ; and Prince and Kell, Cheltenham—C. li a t/T ON, Cheltenham, grocer, Nov. 2, 3, Dec. 1 : soli- citors, Dlr. King, Sergeants' Inn ; and Prince and Kell, Cheltenham—J. WATs (ix, Hook, Yorkshire, innkeeper and carpenter, Nov. 2, 3, Dec. I : solicitors, Dlr. Bell, Bedford- row ; and Mr. Capes, Redness and Bowden.
DivinsNns.—Nov. 13, Rees, Tokenhouse-yard, broker—Nov. 13, Sherley, Stanwell, innkeeper—Nov. 17, Catrall, Rickmansworth, mealman—Nov.17, Benton, Vange-wharf, Essex, whartinger—Nov. 24, Fox, Quarndou, Leicestershire, baker—Nov. 24, Martin, Loughborough, grocer—Dec.4, Poulter, Barrow, Suffolk, general shopkeeper—Nov. 12, liessey, Great Yarmouth, merchant—Nov. 13, Harrison, Furnival's Inn, Holborn, hotel- keeper—Nov. 10, Rose, high-street, Southwark, dealer—Nov.10, Bosnian, Great Queen- street, carpet-manufacturer—Nov. 10, Maltby and Buckland, Gutter-lane, lace-manu- facturers—Nov. 10, Field, Bermondsey, plumber—Nov. 13, Oleadhill, Oldham, cotton- spinner—Nov. 12, Mosey, Bristol, hooper—Nov. 12, E. and W. H. Rhodes, Sheffield, cut- lers—Nov. 10, Esam and Craig, Cheapside, linen-drapers—Nov. 17, Smith, Borucastle, w ine and spirit-merchant.
Ceoern FtGATES to be Fronted, -unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Nor. 10.—Alisell, Colchester-street, Savage-gardens, watch-inamt fa cturer —To rfrey, H ack n ey r. eel, cabinet-maker—Atkinson, Lancaster, merchant—Irving, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, draper—Huffam, City Canal, Poplar, mast and block-maker.
Friday, Oct. 23.
PARTNERS:11PS S otvED.—W., W. A., and .1. G. Young, Rio Janeiro ; as far as regards W. A. Young—Shires and Co. A hnondbory, Yorkshire, millwrights—Rigbye and Co. Harrocic within Wrightington, and Liverpool ; so far as regards W. fi. Bald- w in—J. and .1_ Warrior, Piccadilly, tailors—Langridge and Gamier, Borough, yeast vendors—J. and .1. Wilks, Kingston-upon-Until, fiax-brokers—Sampson and Simpson, New Saran, surgeons—Street and Co. Weir Mills, near Exeter, paper-makers ; as far as regards G. and E. Cooper—Pearson, Glasgow; Pacey, Rio Janeiro ; and Lung, late of tine same place, deceased, merchants—Eirick and el:, Perth, clothiers.
INSei ENTS.—Oct. 22, J. Au twat Nr, Weaverham. Cheshire, farmer—Oct. 23, A. MA n- aTos u, late of Bombay, East Indies, merchant—Oct. 23,11. THOMAS, Liverpool, Lan- cashire, ship-hruker.
BA:Val:Et CTs.—[To surrcadc,• cat the Bankrupts' Court, Basink.hall-street.] —G. H. and j„ G. L., and (1. 0. Tat MBE Watling-street, merchants, Oct. 27, Nov.3, Dec. 4: so- licitors, Croft and Johnson, Bedford-row.—G. CHA PPit I., Holborn. bridge, hat-maker, Oct. 39, Nov. 6, Dee. 4: solicitor, Mr. Rochforcl, Borough-road.—J. SWAN, Northleach, draper and grocer, Oct. 3o, Nov. 6, Dec.-1: solicitors, Osbaldeston and Murray, Lon- ti, o. -street, Fenchurch.street.—.I. C rise, Idol-lane, Great Tower-street, wine-merchant a ail victualler, Oct. 27, Nov. 6, Dec. 4: soiieitor, Mr. 13ousrield, Chatham-place, Black-
W I 55, Fleet-street, patent portable water-closet-manufacturer, Oct. 27, Nov.
t., 1),•.-. -1 it or, Mr. Pontifex, St. A mire tv's- court, Holborn.—W. An term, Water-
s! r,ef, , rims, coal-merchant, Oct. 27, Nov. 6, Dee. 4: solicitor, Mr. Holmes,
Broad-street.—T. LP:WOES-, Great IN r,tead, Essex, farmer, Oct. 311, Nov, ill, Dee. 4 : solicitor, Mr. Bige, Southampton-buildings, (Chancery-lane.—J. and 0. Axon ties, Bread-street, Blackwell-hall-factors, Oct. 27, Nov. 6, Dec. 4: solicitor, Mr. D. Richardson, Iro:imoager-lace, Cheapside.
BANkn arems.—[To rrriuter in the Om ntry.]—J. Humerus-0x, Liverpool, mer- chant, Nov. 4, 5, Dee. 4: solicitors, Batt ye and Co., Chancery-lane; and .1. :old G. Crump, Liverpool—T. WHEELER Hereford, corn-dealer awl in ealman, Nov.12, 13, Dec. 4: solicitors, Underwood and.; Evans, Hereford ; and Budenham, Furnival's Inn—G. Evas, Coventry and Bedworth, ribbon-manufacturer, Oct. 29, :53, Dee. 4 : solicitors, Austell and Hobson, Gray's Inn ; and '1'. B. Troughtou and Lee, Coventry—T. Coat:1'- 11AM, catOn-Norris, Lancashire, and Stockport, Cheshire, cotton-spinner and manu- facturer, Nov. 9, 10, Dee. -1: solicitors, Hurd and Johnson, Temple; and Seddon, Man- chester.
DI vim.: -Nov. 13, Whittaker, St. Paul's Church-yard, dealer in music—Nov. 20, Harvey (deceased;, Lamb's Conduit-place, money-scrivener—Nov. 13, Houghton, King's Arms-yard, Coleman-street, nterehant—Nov. 3, Archer, Wood-street, Cheapside, ware- houseman—N. v. 13, Palen, Gossett-street, rope-manufacturer—Nov. 13, Howe, Hay- market, job-ntacter.—N”e, 13, Milk-street, Cheapside, ho-ler—Nov. RI, Sharp, Threadneedle-street, mereitant—Nov. 16, Briscoe, Denton, lain eashire, shopkeeper —Nov. 13, Aspinall, Liverpool, soap-boiler—Nov. 14, Tanner, Manchester, publican— Dee. 1, Thompson, Fox-Ordinary-court, Nicholas-lane, tailor—Dec. 1, Lind, Bright- helmstone, merchant and ship. owner—Nov. 14, Blagbrough Keighley, Yorkshire, liaen- draper—Nov. 17, Hopkinson, Loughborough, Leicestershire, liquor-merchant—Nov. 1-1, Larke, Brooke, Norfolk, surreon—Nov. 16, Bradhridge, Liverpool, linen-draper.
CEILTI Eti lo he grunted, itHieSS canso be shown to the contrary en or before Nor. In.—Holland, I:Mr-street, Holborn, coach-in aker—Butcher,jun. Coal Exchange, Lower That mes-st reet, coal-factor—ilerapath, Oat-lane, Wood-street, hat-manufacturer—Green, Blanchester, cotton-manufacturer—English, Bath, cabinet-maker—Saunders, Epsom, couch-master—Duckworth, Fleet-street, printer—Martin, Croydon, linen-draper.