[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,--In dealing with the above in your first leading article of October 17th you appear completely to overlook the fact that under the Parliament Act a Socialist Government could, within two years, abolish both the House of Lords and the constitution of this realm. There might be a dispute or a deadlock ; but what happened before in the matter of a threat to create peers would happen again. Surely the Constitution should be made absolutely safe while there is time.—I am, Sir, &c., J. W. MEARES.
[We did not overlook it. A Socialist Government could hardly do what Mr. Meares suggests if we had the Referendum. Of course, if at a Referendum a majority of the people were foolish enough to desire the abolition of the House of Lords we should have to submit till we had taught them better. In that ease, however, we should be " up against " one of the aberrations of democracy, not specialty against a Socialist folly.---En. Spectator.]