24 OCTOBER 1925, Page 18


of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Y011 quoted a letter from an Argentine correspondent who described how the Prince of Wales did not keep an engage- ment to visit a school. You joined with your correspondent in justly saying that it is quite inconceivable that the Prince of Wales was responsible for the misunderstanding—" Everybody; l knows that the Prince of Wales excels in courtesy and consid- eration." Your correspondent was evidently unaware of the extremely happy sequel to the incident. The Prince had particularly wanted to visit the school and the visit duly took place later. The Prince was than so captivated by what he saw and heard that the visit, which was timed to last a quarter of an hour, extended to a whole hour. He left the school in an atmosphere of memorable good will, and I think you would find that the visit was regarded in the Argentine as one of the most pleasant and successful items of the whole of the Prince of Wales's stay. Everyone regrets the original misunderstanding, but such things are very easily forgiven by those who know the difficulties of arranging long pro- grammes at short notice.—I am, Sir, &c.,
