24 OCTOBER 1925, Page 46


The recent annual report of Harrisons and Crosfield, showing an increased dividend on the deferred shares from 25 to 30 per cent., prepared the shareholders for a satis- factory statement at the annual meeting, and they were not disappointed. Moreover, interest in the meetings of this important tea and rubber investment company extend considerably beyond the actual shareholders of the company, as the views of the chairman concerning the tea and rubber industry generally are regarded as of considerable importance. At the recent meeting, Mr. Eric Miller went very fully into the whole situation, and while taking a conservative view with regard to the outlook, his statements undoubtedly confirmed the hopeful expectations entertained as to the future of the industry. Mr. Miller based his view more upon the antici- pated expansion in consumption than on any question of the continuance of restriction of output. He did not hesitate, in fact, to express the opinion that it would only be a matter of time until the point was reached when the actual increase in production—free, I take it, from all restrictions—would be less than the increase in absorption.