Meanwhile, the appearance of a fully accredited delegate of. the
United States at the Council of the League is an event of immense importance. It is quite true that Mr. Prentiss Gilbert was instructed.. to join only in discussions on the application of 'Hie. ICeflogg Pact to the Manchurian dispute, and to sit silent while the Council- was acting as a Council- under the COvenant. That Is of sniall consequence. 'What 'Matters is that by a swift and *SucceSsful iMproviiatiori a new 'techniqUe of international discussion has been devised, whereby the full weight of American influence can be thrown into the scale at -any moment for the preiervatfori of peace, not as'an isolated action, but in complete and co=ordinated agreement with the peace fore—es organized at Gene:6. The precedent thus set has been. challenged on the ground that the Soviet Government might well claim a similar privilege. If the Soviet Government came -with' the same desire for the preSerVition of peace as the United States there is no reason why the privilege should be denied.