Finance—Public & Private
Looking Ahead
ELECTION results are often- full of surprises both as regards the main result -and as regards details. It may be, therefore, that the confident expectations formed on the Stock Exchange during the past week of a great Nationalist triumph will be found to have been exag. gerated or even falsified. At the moment that this article appears in print the feVer of election "excitement will be almost at its height. I do not propose, therefore, to enter into the arguments which might be adduced with regard to the disastrous effects which it is thought would be produced by the return of a Socialist Administra- tion. I haVe on previous occasions ekpreSsed. my views on that matter, with, I think, sufficient clearness. I would prefer at the moment; even at the risk of a non- fulfilment of expectations, to assume that a National Government is returned next week, and to consider the developments which may follow that event.