24 OCTOBER 1931, Page 42


I am afraid that as the election proceeds there is one prominent fact which can scarcely fail to impress all thoughtful and unbiased observers, namely, that our politicians, irrespective of party, have served the country badly over a prolonged period of years. It is impossible to read the scathing indictment by the present Chancellor of the Exchequer of the manifesto of the Soeialist Party without agreeing with every word. When Mr. Snowden describes the Socialist programme as " BolshevisM run mad," the Cityis in- accord with his verdieti and 'when, moreover, he. sets capital :showing how severe :is the strain upon the capital and income resources of the taxpayer at the .present time, the City also follows his arguments very .easily. At the same_ time it is remem- bered that until a few weeks ago the expenditure and the policy responsible for our present difficulties were sponsored. by the preSent Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Premier. But, yet -again; it is also not forgotten that the great impetus in this direction . Of excessive expenditure and 'even of semi-Socialist legislation was supplied by the" two 'Other political parties; and not least- by the. Conservative .Party • during, its last period 'of office tinder the Chancellorship of Mr. Winston .Churchill. Throughout the .whole of :,this period the thoughtful section of the British public—and not least, Of course, the taxpayeraHlias clearly perceived the trend of events and Whither they must lead, but their efforts have been quite powerless to alter the misplaced policy' Of 'successive politieiaris and statesmen.