Letters to the Editor
Violence at Blackpool
Contmander G. Marescaux de Saubruit, RN (Reid.), Robert Bolt, John Harvey, Antony Verney, Kenneth Lewis ,
The Church of England and Divorce _
Canon Howard Dobson
Juvenile Crime Hugh Mare British Railways Lawrence Kimball, Strix Mental Health Research Dr. W. Grant Waugh Noise in the Jet Age ' H. B. Irving Nationalism John Nibb Carelessness John Sparrow Chemicals in Food Lawrence D. Hills, F. A. Charlie,.
SIR,-1 have lived two years behind the Iron Curtain, Where victims of political violence were among my friends, so that to see its beginnings in England fills me with deep uneasiness : shouts of 'Kill her' were even reported in one case.
Taper's account• of the Blackpool incidents sent me straight to the office of the League of Empire Loyalists (at 11 Palace Chambers, Bridge Street, SW1), with most .of whose politics and all of whose tactics I thoroughly disagree.
I wished not only to inquire about the condition of the persons concerned (the youngest and most bat- tered, aged eighteen, is recovering), but also to ascer- tain if other Conservatives like myself had expressed any disgust with the methods used; much of the corre- sPondence in one daily newspaper is not reassuring.
It seems to me inconsistent to deprecate in con- versation or in print the manifestations of violence shown to young people on the cinema screen and tO condone it, even by silence, when it shows itself in one's own political party.
I suggest, sir, that those of us who feel ashamed of what Taper and others have reported should Write to that effect to the %Conservative Central Office,
Let us be quite clear : if the hecklers had been rthneked out on their backsides it would probably have been what they expected and this letter would not have been written, but the worst violence Occurred outside the meeting hall. I hope that the Spectator will follow up this very serious case and keep it before its readers.—Yours faithfully,
reoveney Lodge, Staines