THE GERMAN NEWSPAPERS have been a little put out by
the coolness of our welcome to their President. But Londoners do not usually cheer their heads off at the sight of elderly male foreigners driving in state to the City, and t1 e scholarly Dr. Heuss, worthy Swabian septuagen- arian that he is, has never been anything like SO widely known or heavily publicised here as Dr. Adenauer. The Queen went a long way, in her r speech of greeting at the State banquet, to remind her subjects, as well as her guest, that the German and the British people are members, in more than one sense, of the same family. Her speech mace Mr. A. J. P. Taylor's article in the Sunday Express, in which he lashed himself, if not his readers. into a pet over Dr. Heuss's visit as `a regrettable event, seem peculiarly loutish. The time to cold-shouldt r Western Germany, I should have thought, was s before she became our NATO ally, not now. V trade with the Germans, and we are prepared to soldier with the Germans. While nobody obliged to love his customers or his comrades-if arms, it is childish to send them to Coventry.