Jews and fascists Sir: It appears from your colum- nist's
note 'The First Fascist?' in your issue of 9 October, that hoary myths die hard. The Jewish con- cept of a `Chosen People' is poles apart from the Nazi concept of a Herrenvolk. a Master Race. Our- sages and scholars from the earliest times have defined the term 'chosen'. as being chosen for ser- vice not for lordship. No Jew believes, that he is by virtue of his Jewishness superior to any other human being. On the contrary Jewish teaching which is universally accepted, emphasises that Man, all men, irrespective of race, colour or creed, is fashioned in the Divine Image.
The reference to the 'God of the Book of Job' is so offensive and untrue that I can only recommend your columnist to re-read or pos- sibly to read the Book of Job with a good commentary, whether from a Christian or Jewish Biblical scholar to realise how mistaken and unfair is his appraisal.
It may well be that your colum- nist wrote with his longue in cheek in order to attract and to arouse controversy. But this sort of flip- pancy is not calculated to improve Christian-Jewish relations.
B. Joseph Hon. Director, Department for Jewish-Christian Relations at the Office of The Chief Rabbi. 22 Meynell Gardens, Homerton, Lon- don E9