Oh Bombay!
From the Financial Times 16 October: LONDON AND BOMBAY £800,000 BID FOR SITA The first deal by London and Bombay In- vestments, which came to the Market only three weeks ago, was revealed yesterday. It is offering shares worth a total of around £800,000 for strA, a small, public, but un- quoted, investment company with a dealing subsidiary . . .
From the Financial Times 17 October :' LONDON AND BOMBAY The value of the offer by London and Bom- bay Investments for srrA is £80,000 not £800,000 as incorrectly stated yesterday . . . From the Financial Times 19 October : LONDON AND BOMBAY
The value of the offer by London and Bom- bay Investments for SITA is about £40,000 not £80,000 as reported on Saturday . . .
I seem to remember something similar when George Robey introduced the following week's musical turn. 'Ladies and gentlemen, next week for your entertainment and plea- sure a great new singer, brought here at a cost of £1,000 . . . ' Audience shriek in unison 'How much?' Well, £100 but . . . ' Again a delighted yell from, the crowd, 'How much?' We've spared no expense 1 but . . . '
: 'How much?'
'Well, the doorman's coming in and will sing ' a very nice song.'