King LEOPOLD'S Government goes on smoothly and pros- perously. The
best understanding prevails between the Monarch and the Parliament, which has voted him all the supplies he has demanded, readily and cheerfully. The reorganization of the army proceeds. It is intended to employ a number of French offi- cers. The plan is objected to by zealous patriots ; but it ought to be regarded as the employment merely of workmen of skill to in- struct the Belgian people in a trade, which, in their present position, they may at a moment's warning be called on to prosecute, and in which they have shown that they are but bunglers, great as their longings after excellence may be. Austria and Prussia have refused to receive LEOPOLD'S envoys, because the question of Belgium is not yet settled. With the friendship of France and England, he must endeavour to do with the sufferance of FREDERICK WILLIAM and of FRANCIS; their alliance will come all in good time.