DORSETSMRE ELECTION.—Meetings have taken place at Poole, Wey- mouth, Shaftesbury,
and other towns throughout the county, and but one feeling animates the whole. At the Shaftesbury meeting, on Sa- turday last, the freeholders were addressed with great energy by Mr. Rutter, the Quaker Reformer (the Quakers are all Reformers—a pretty good proof that Reform is no such bloody business as Mr. Croker would persuade us), who was so conspicuous during the last poll, when old Mr. Bankes was ousted. Should the Anti-Reformers again take the field in Dorset, he said, it would only be to insure for themselves and their cause a second and more mortifying defeat. Of 75 or 76 freeholders in Shaftesbury, Mr. Ponsonby has 70 pledged to him ; of the 200 belong- ing to Poole, 190. The Tories are everywhere helpless, and the conse- quence in all probability will be that no contest will be attempted. In. deed, the wish now very generally expressed is, that their evil genius may impel the Anti-Reformers to come forward, in order that their weakness may be proved beyond the possibility of denial; for it is ex- pected that, according to their usual custom they will boast, in the case of no contest taking place, that had they stood, the minority would have been a powerful one. The people of Poole not only. freely consent to loose Mr. Ponsonby from his connexion with them, but, with admirable spirit, have determined to return, immediately on his retiring, a good and true man as his successor. Several gentlemen have been spoken of in the town; and among others, the popular Lord 3fayor of Lopclen,
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Sir John Key. It is an interesting feature in the present agitation in Dorsetshire, that the farmers to a man declare their steadfast intention of meeting their landlords on independent principles. Lord Chandos, it seems not improbable, will prove to have overleaped himself, and the means by which he designed to neutralize Reform will prove an addi- tional means of carrying it into complete effect.
REPRESENTATION OF DERBY COUNTY.—Mr. William Cavendish having accepted the Chiltern Hundreds, was on Wednesday put in nomination for Derbyshire, in the place of Lord George Cavendish, now Earl of Burlington. No opponent offering himself, Mr. Cavendish was accord. ingly returned.
SHEFFIELD REPRESENTATION:A requisition has been signed calling on Mr. Buckingham to stand for this town, and he has accepted the call. WALLINGFORD ELECTION.--Mr. Thomas Charles Leigh, a Whig Re- former, the Berkshire Chronicle says, was elected for this borough on Wednesday. The numbers on that day stood—f ,r Mr. Leigh, 119; for Mr. Blackstone, 68. Wallingford is in Schedule B. PEMBROKE ELECTION.—The Committee agreed on their report yester- day, declaring the late election void.