Dr. W. IlErrnmasoix's Plain Rules for Improving the Health of
the Delicate, Preserving the Health of the Strong, and Prolong- ing the Life of All, is a sensible and useful publication. Dr. HEN- DERSON'S remedies are by no means new, but he brings common. sense and experience to the discussion of a state of body in which,. little good advice, properly taken, goes a great way. If any per- son feels that his person is a burthen—that his appetite is bad— that he loses flesh—that his nights are sleepless—or that in any other manner, mentally or physically, life is deprived of its portion of enjoyment —he may peruse Dr. HENDERSON'S book with a prospect of considerable advantage. In short, we believe that in numbers of such cases, it would be wiser to buy the Plain Rules for -six shillings, and read them for a week, than pay Dr. -- twenty shillings for ten minutes hasty advice.