Arrived—At Gravesend, Sept. 19th, S. Boildington. Noakes, from Bombay; Dow- thorp. Lofty, from Singapore; 2011i. Achilles, Marshall, from Mauritius; Tango, Crop- tun; and Lady Kenuaway, Spence, from Bombay ; John Hemming. — ; sod Gartsherrie. Anderson. from Ceylon ; Nankin. Palmer ; and Arabian, Gardner. ham Calcutta; 21st, Elizabeth, Weatherly, from Bombay ; „lames, Paisley ; Lady Kin- naird, Robb; North Briton. Fyall; and Nine. Denny, from Caleutta; Thomas Lee, Woof; and Countess of Minto, Wishart, hum Singapore; Belhaven, Crawford; and John Rennick, Morgan, from China; 234. Rachel, Scott, from Bombay; Varuna, Mould ; and Burithopesille. Pratt, trim Calcutta.
At Liverpool. 17511, Kingston. Itruntlfout. front Ca'cutta; 18th, Shakspeare, Hen- derson ; and Lanarkshire, Michael, from Bombay ; 21st, Caroline, Woodward from Ceyl it. At St. Helena, Aug. 3d, Enterprizo, Robertson, from Calcutta.
At Mauritius, July let, Jannet, Chalmers ; Maria, Batten ; Heroine, Nicholas; and Pauline Houghton, Tote, from London; and Culdee, Campbell, fr.dn the Clyde. Sailed— From Gravesend. Sept. 18th, Julia Bibby. Caakett, for Calcutta.
From Liverpool. I6th, Lady Flora Hastings, Hoscason M'Wearre, for Calcutta. and 18th, Earl Grey.
From Greenock. 18th. Edina. Skinner, for Bombay; 15th, Atrium, Leitch; and 20th, liablain, Shaw, for Calcutta.