The same quiet order of things referred to in our Money report of last week is still the predominant character as regards the state of the English Funds at the present moment ; and Consols for the Account have only varied * per cent, ranging between 924 93 and 93* : for Money the greatest difference in value occurred on Wednesday, when a decline for a short time of * per cent took place from some sales of Stock, but was immediately followed by per cent reaction. The New Three-and-a-half per Cents were likewise for a moment depressed A per cent on the same day. With this exception, they have remained at the quotation of last week. Money is now generally con- sidered as becoming daily more in demand ; and although many parties imagine the payment of the October Dividends at the Bank of England and on some of the Foreign Stocks will throw a large amount of capital afloat, the best- inti.rmed consider this has already been anticipated, and a channel selected through which it will be absorbed. The approaching Exchequer payments will also tend to make money tighter. Exchequer Bills, India Stock, and India Bonds, have not varied the least during the week. By the return of the liabilities and assets of the Bank of England, made last week, from the 18th June to the 10th September, the average of the thirteen weeks ending 10th September, as compared with the average of the thirteen weeks ending the 18th June, proves an increase in the Circulation of 1,919,000/. ; an increase in the Deposits of 1,822,000/. ; and an increase in the stock of Bullion of 1,857,0001. ; by which it appears that the increase in the Liabilities is 3,741,000/.
In the Foreign Funds, the only alteration of importance is in Mexican and Dutch Stock. In the former, a decline of 1 per cent, occurred on Monday. The advertisement relating to the payment of the Dividend appeared in some of the leading papers, as we stated last week would be the case on that day ; but parties who had purchased for that event during the depression of Saturday last became sellers on this fulfilment of their expectations, and secured their profits ; and hence the decline in price. It has since continued heavy at per cent reaction only. In Dutch Five per Cents a decline of 5 per cent took place on Wednesday, in consequence of large supplies of Stock from Holland that were brought fur sale into our market, which has offered of late a much higher price than their own. The principal object for this operation on thy part of the Dutch Government is said to be, to help in meeting the Dividends which will fall due in the course of a few days on the Old and New Five per Cent Stocks. A. depreciation in value to the extent of a per cent oc- curred on the same day in the Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents • and in both these Stocks no reaction has as yet taken place. The latter have always borne a more Speculative character than the Fives ; and sales for the Account have lately commenced in that Stock, by parties who anticipate another loan to Hol- land. Spanish Three per Cents declined A on Monday; and since that time they have been alternately buyers and sellers at 215, which has been the only variation. The Five per Cents, ex Coupons, are the same as last week. Por- tuguese Regency Five per Cents and the New Converted Bonds are each * per Cent lower.
In Shares, very little business has been transacted. Great 'Western Old Shares are 1/. lower than last week. London and Birmingham Shares ad- vanced 1/. yesterday ; to fall, however, to the same extent this afternoon. South-western have been stationary all the week. An advance occurred yes- terday in Brighton Shares, of 10s.; which hal been followed by a further im- provement today of a; and they leave off at 33* 4. Blackwell are the same as last week.
Sae-pansy. TWRLVI o'Ceoce. Consols for Money, 924 ; ditto for the Account, 92/ 93; New Three-and- a-half per Cents, 1005 ,1 ; Exchequer Bills, 25d., 51 to 53; ditto, 2d., 49 51; India Stock, 249 51; India Bonds, 36 7.
In Foreign Stocks there is no business doing, and prices are quite nominal : Brazilian, 661 75; Belgian, 102 3; Danish, 835 4; Colombian, 205 1; Mexican, 34* 5; Dutch Two-and-a-Half per Cents' 515 5; ditto Five per Cents, 1025; Portuguese Regency, Five per Cents, 3554 ; ditto Three per Cents, 215; Rus- sian' 112 113; Spanish Actives, ex Coupons, 16* a ; ditto Three per Cents, 21A5.
Nothing particular has occurred in Railway Shares.
The English Funds remained in the same languid state up to the close of the market, with no appearance of business. Consols for Money, 924 5, ditto for the Account, 925 93; New Three-and-a-Half per Cents, 100* I • Ex- chequer Bills, 21c1., 51 53; ditto, 2d., 49 51; India Stock, 249 51; India Bonds, 36 37.
In Foreign Stocks, Spanish Three per Cents and Five per Cents are both * per cent lower ; and Mexican Stock 5 per cent better ; Brazilian, 665 71; Belgian, 102 3; Danish, 835 4 ; Dutch Two and-a-half per Cents, 514 2; Mexican, 355; Colombian, 205 I; Portuguese Regency Five per Cents, 355 4; ditto Three per Cents, 21 to 5; Russian, 112, 113; Spanish Active, Five per Cents, ex Coupons, 1655; ditto Three per Cents, 21 to 5. In the Share-market, London and Brighton Railway Shares have been done as high as 345, but leave off A lower. Business has been transacted in other Shares at the following prices : Eastern Counties, 85; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 475; London and Blackwell, 63; London and Birmingham, 183; London and South-western, 58; Midland Counties, 594; South-eastern and Dover, 224; ditto Scrip, 115; York and North Midland, 90. British North American Bank, 345; Union Bank of Australia, 315; ditto New Shares, 4*.
3 per Cent. Consols Ditto Mr Account 3 per Cent Reduced 34 per Cent Ditto New 34 per Cents Bank Stock Exchequer Bills, 21d... prem
Dub.''d do.
India Stock Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 5 per Cents
921 1 92* .1 shut shut 1001 1 shut 49 51 249 al 566115734 102 3
Columbian 6 per Cents Danish 3 per meats Dutch 21 per Cents Mexicali a per Cent, Consd Portuguese Regency 5 perCts Pub, New 5 per Cents 1841 Ditto 3 per Cents Russian per Ceuta Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents ex Coupons Ditto 3 per Cents 1812 201 1 83/ 4 51/ 341 5
:51 1 291 aot 2116112/44113 211