24 SEPTEMBER 1853, Page 19


Tuesday, September 20.

PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.—Wilson and Co. Whitwood, Yorkshire, earthenware- manufacturers; as tar as regards T. M ilson-Hertz and Co. Angel Court -Asquith and Co. Whitwood, Yorkshire, earthenware-manufacturers-Dowliug and Ilamshaw, Little Queen Street, Holborn. scale-manufacturers-Lees and Hepworth, Thorn- hill, Yorkshire, corn-millers-Davis and Steane. Oxford, mustard-manufacturers- Daniel and Co. Southall Park Establishment-Thornton, Firth, Ramsden, and Co. Bradford and Leeds ; Thornton, Firth, Homan, and Co. Huddersfield ; Thornton, Firth, Homan, and Co. Blind:tester, commiseion-inerchants ; as far as regards W. Cowrie, J. E. Kendall, J. Firth, and D. Ramsden-Turnbull and Cowan, ship-agents -Vyse and Sons, Wood Street, merchants - Bottomley and Son, Staley bridge, grocers-'1'albot and Leatherharrow, Wigan, bolt-makers-P. and J. T. Botharnley, Billingborough, Lincolnshire, drapers-ltostern, Sandiford, and Mather, Pilkington, Lancashire, engineers ; as far as regards J. Mather-Smith and Billinghurst, Down- ham Road, Islington, surgeons-Perry and Co. Surrey Place, Newington Butts, printers; as far as regards It. Davis-Ashworth and Smith. Oldham iron-founders- Barker and Hanson, Barker and Co. and B. Hanson and Co. Hudderalleld, woollen- cloth-merchants- T urton and Greg, Stoke-upon-Trent, china-figure-manufacturers - .1. and F. Cross, Ely, merchants-Douglas and Co. Bahia; as far as regards W. Moir -A. N. and W. Hall, Godstone, Surrey, linen-drapers-Mort and Co. Sheffield, tool- manufacturers.

BANEKUPTS.—MARY Aux THomes and W/LLIAM THOMAS, Upper Ring Street, Bloomsbury, builders, to surrender Oct. 5, Nov.4 : solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry Chambers; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street-Isaac SHARMAN, late of Spalding, Lincolnshire, upholsterer, Oct. 5, Nov. 4: solicitor, Taylor, South Street, Finsbury Square ; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street-JOSEPH OKEI L, Union Court, Old Broad Street, merchant, Oct. 5, Nov. 4: solicitors, Reed and Co. Friday Street official assignee, htansfeld, Basinghall street-WittJAH Mounts, Tunbridge, cabinet-maker, Sept. 28, Nov. 4: solicitors, Stenning and Croft, Basinghath Street; 6tenning and Co. Tunbridge; official assignee, Stansfeld. Baeinghall Street- Warrun SCANNELL, late of Old Brentford, bootruaker, Oct. 4, Nov. 4 : solicitor. Tyas, Beaufort Buildings, Strand; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Hexer Kars, Portland Terrace, St. John's Wood, hay-dealer, Sept. 29, Nov. 8: solicitor, Nisbett, Mitre Court Chambers, Temple ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Insects WILLIAM S00111, Maidstone, beerseller, Oct. 1, Nov. 12: solicitors, Braikenridge and Sons, Bartlett's Buildings, Holborn ; Case, Maidstone; official as- signee, Nicholson, Baeinghall Street- WILLIAM 'Wevsos, Audley, Staffordshire, saddler, Oct. 5, 27: solicitors, Cooper, Tunstall, Staffordshire ; Hodgson, Birming- ham; official assignee, Bittleston, Birmingham-Enwam BULLOCK Wawa, Yeovil, land-surveyor, Sept. 29, Oct. 27: solicitor, etogdon, Exeter; official assignee, Hirtzel, Exeter-EmzenEam AGAR, York, grocer, Oct. 6, Nov. 7: solicitors, Andemou and Son, York ; Blackburn, Leeds ; official assignee, Hope, Leeds-Hearty PAIILDANK, Richmond, Yorkshire, jeweller, Oct. G, 28 : solicitors, Arnold and Welch, Birming- ham; Ward, Leeds ; official assignee, Hope, Leeds.

Divramins.- Oct. 10, Blair, Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, money-scrivener-Oct. 17, Armstrong, Norwich, linen-draper-Oct. 1, Salter, Abbott's Langley, Hertfordshire, maltster-Oct. 1, Artigues, Mark Lane, merchant-Oct. 10, Godeell, Wottou-under- Edge, tailor-Oct. 11, Hayes, Widnes, Lancashire, oil-manufacturer-Oct. 13. Power and Wallace, Liverpool, merchants-Oct. 14, Sherlock, Liverpool, wine-merchant- Oct. 13, Casson, Liverpool, coach-builder-Oct. 13, Fleetwood, Liverpool, grocer- Oct. 14, el'illonies, Liverpool, corn-merchant.

CEETIFICATEL—To le granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-Oct. 11, Bates, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, builder-Nov. 16, Broadhurst, Stoke-upon-Trent, Staffordshire, earthenware-manufacturer-Oct. 27, Hammond, Birmingham, builder.

Scores SEQUESTRATIONS.—Thoroson, Troqueer, Kirkcudbrightshire, farmer, Sept. 30-Neill and Co. Leith, merchants, Sept. 80.

Friday, Sept. 23.

PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLEED.—Sage and Boughton, Bridge Street, Greenwich, en- gineers-Parsons and Brown, St. Alban's Terrace, Vauxhall Bridge Road, smiths- Bennett and Featherstone, Manchester, tailors-Piper and Co. Paternoster Row, booksellers-Tardrew and Smith, Carmarthen, chemista-Ansteys and Walton, Bir- mingham, drapers; as far as regards J. Anstey-Crosaley and Sons, Manchester, cotton-spinners ; as far as regards H. Crossley-Goodall and Co. Wolstanton, Staf- fordshire, coal-masters-Fraser, Grove Street, Camden Town, and Amos, Hornsey, contractors for the manufacture of pianoforte-keys-L. and M. Delaunay and Co. Blackley, Lancashire, dyers-Misses Hooper, New Sarum; as far as regards M. B. Hooper and I). Lampen-Standring and Co. Rochdale, cotton-manufacturers- Myers and Phillips, Whitecross Street, coal-dealers-Terry and Moss, Leeds, corset- manufacturers-Simms and Dinham, Manchester, booksellers-G. and J. Bean, Snaith, Yorkshire, linen-drapers-Whitaker and Smith, Reighley, brick-makers- Lee and Co. Manchester, corn-factors-- .1. and S. Drake, Bradford, Yorkshire, black- smiths-Lavender and Moody, Sherbornc, Dorsetsbire, bookselkrs-Bradbury and Gordon, Manchester, plasterers-Scott and Co. Cavendish Square, bankers ; as far as regards Sir C. E. Scott-Peacock and Hickson, Lower Belgrave Place, Pimlico, builders-E. and E. Lewis, Cardigan, milliners-Radcliffe and Ellie, Manchester, thread-manufacturers-Haswell and Revan, Liverpool, printers-Da Costa and Co, Island of St. Thomas, West Indies, merchants -Criswick and Dowling, Andover, grocers-Barker and Barnes, Norwich, shoe-manufacturers-Carelaw and Hender- son, Glasgow, muslin-manufacturers.

Kthiratirrs.-Nuaroa RYLAND, Gowar's Walk. Whitechapel, wheelwright, to sur- render Sept. 29, Oct. 27: solicitor, Buchanan, Basingball Street ; official assignee. Johnson, Basinghall Street-enemas Moss Szxmox, Birmingham, general dealer, Oct. 3, 24: solicitor, Smith, Birmingham; official assignee, Christie, Birmingham.

Drvinntrns.-Oct. 15, Chines, Brydges Street, Covent Garden, pawnbroker-Oct. 13, Harris, Regent Street, furrier-Oct. 15, Chaplin, Bisaop's Stortford, Hertford- shire, tanner-Oct. 15, May, Edgeware Road, straw-hat-wareh,useman-Oct..14, Potter, Pimlico, lime-burner-Oct. 15, Recres, Newg,ate Street, woollen-draper- Oct. 19, Nelson and Co. Darlington, provision-merchants-Oct. 27, Boot, Birming- ham, stationer. CERTEFICATES.-7b is granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-Oct. 17, Drum, Liverpool, glass-bottle-dealer-Oct. 18, Boot, Birming- ham, stationer-Nov. 10, liamblet, Brotherton, Yorkshire, glass-manufacturer-- Nov. 12, Robinson, Tideswell, Derbyshire, corn-factor-Oct. 15, Scott, Sheffield, innkeeper. Scares SEQCESTRATIONS.—M`Intosh, Glasgow, wine-merchant, Oct. 5-Da1118 and Son, Wick, saddlers, Oct. 6.