LTO THE Barron OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIE,—I have been much
interested in your review in the Spectator of the 10th inst. of Earle's "Micro-cosmographie," and in the sketch you have given of Bishop Earle's life. I should like to be allowed to supplement the sketch by adding one or two particulars which may interest some of your readers. In a Life of George Herbert published by the S.P.C.K. in 1893 it is stated that "John Earle was rector of Bishopstone near Wilton while Herbert was working in the neighbouring parish of Fordstone (the mother parish of Bemerton). During the Civil War the soldiers burst into the church while he was officiating, and one of them, putting a pistol to his breast, ordered him to cease,—he calmly said, You do your duty and I will do mine.' " After he became Dean of Westminster he was ap- pointed one of the coadjutors of the Bishops who took part in the Savoy Conference. In the dining-room of the deanery of Westminster there is a picture of Dean Earle. In 1662 he became Bishop of Worcester, not Winchester, and in the following year was translated to Salisbury. He gave Com- munion plate, consisting of one large plate, two patens, and two chalices, all silver-gilt, to his old parish of Bishopstone, which are in good repair and are now in constant use.—I am, Sir, &c.,