24 SEPTEMBER 1904, Page 13


SIR,—I beg to send you the following copy of John Stuart Blackie's Confession of Faith. Many of your readers will remember the late Professor of Greek, Gaelic, and Good Humour :—

" Creeds and Confessions ! High Church or the Low ?

I cannot say ; but you would vastly please us

If with some pointed Scripture you could show To which of these belonged the Saviour Jesus.

I think to all or none ; not curious creeds Or ordered forms of churchly rule He taught, But soul of love that blossomed into deeds, With human good and human blessing fraught.

On me nor Priest, nor Presbyter, nor Pope, Bishop or Dean may stamp a party name ; But Jesus with His largely human scope, The service of my human life may claim.

Let prideful priests do battle about creeds,

The Church is mine that does most Christ-like deeds."

—I am, Sir, &c., F. A. 'JAMUL

120 West High Street, Buckhaven.