The Chartered Company, it was announced on Thursday, are about
to issue one million El shares at a premium of is. in order to enable them to carry on the government of Rhodesia. This issue will raise their capital to a total of E6,000,000. Though little has been said about the matter in public, it is generally understood that the settlers in Southern Rhodesia are by no means satisfied with the rule of the Chartered Company, and are anxious to see the Company got rid of as were the East Africa and the Niger Chartered Companies. The chief obstacle to any such arrangement is the refusal of the settlers to agree to treat the money spent by the Company in Rhodesia as a Debt for which they shall make themselves liable. In this we hold them to be entirely in the right. The Chartered Com- pany were given immense commercial and mineral rights and privileges in Rhodesia, and in consideration are bound to provide an adequate administration for Rhodesia. To retain all these rights and privileges while getting rid of the burdens of administration, future and past, is a proposal which can only be described as ridiculous.