(To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR.", SIR, —In your notes upon the Census returns, after treating of the decrease in the County of London with the countervailing increase in the "outer ring," you proceed: ""The great cities, in order of population, are headed by Birmingham with 919,438 people. Liverpool comes next with 803,118. Manchester is third with 730,551, but the adjacent town of Salford, which is virtually part of Manchester, has 234,150." For the benefit of readers not familiar with our local geography, may I be permitted to point out that there is rather a large " but " in the case of this cIty also? Liverpool, regarded as the urban area on both sides of the Mersey, and embracing Bootle, Birkenhead, and Wallasey, contains by the recent returns a population of 1,115,939, the increase during the decade having been 83,412.—I am, Sir, &c., J. TAR VER. 23 Freehold Street, Fairfield, Liverpool.