24 SEPTEMBER 1927, Page 1

Much work, less conspicuous than that of. the full Assembly,

has been carried on by Committees at Geneva. The international campaign against malaria goes on well in many places, including our own damp country. In another committee the report on the " White Slave " Traffic came up again. Opium was as usual a subject under discussion. On Friday last the Disarmament Committee, after an excellent speech by Lord Lytton, one of India's representatives, in which he argued that the committee's ideals should not be allowed to appear unrealizable, recommended to the Assembly a resolution in favour of arbitration agreements, syStematic prepara- tion for applying the pertinent Articles of the Covenant, and the addition of greater elasticity to the terms of the Protocol. The same committee on Saturday referred to the Legal Committee Dr. Nansen's proposal for an optional arbitration convention. The report of the Economic Conference was again discussed in Committee, and Lord Lytton spoke with sympathy, though he had to admit that increased- fiscal autonomy in India was at present leading towards Protection rather than Frye Trade. On Monday the Disarmament Committee accepted the Polish resolution for the " outlawry of war." On Wednesday it continued to seek agreement in drafting a resolution proposing a new " Committee of Arbitration and Security."
