24 SEPTEMBER 1927, Page 36


During the past week the price of rubber has fallen to the lowest point touched for some three years, while the rubber share market, which has been in a dull condition for some time past, has become really weak, and there have not been wanting signs that disappointed hopes have at last occasioned a good deal of selling on the part of real holders. From the moment of the drop in rubber shares some two years ago following upon the American attack, two quite different views have prevailed in the market here with regard to the outlook and the policy to be pursued. In many, in fact it might be said in most, directions the disposition was to assure holders of rubber shares that if patience were exercised all would come right, and that from about this time onwards there should be a scarcity of the commodity warranting quite good prices. In these same quarters the view was, of course, also taken that the policy was to maintain the " restriction " scheme, the effect of which, it is considered, would ultiniately be to reduce surplus stocks-.

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